Wednesday 3 August 2011

A Bit More Dating Malarkey

Well I thought I’d give you a break from my Rome trip and give you a little glimpse into the types of mails I’ve been getting from the dating website I'm on.  I'm afraid I haven't got much further on the dating front since my last post about it (well, I've been busy!) and it feels like such hard work ... but sometimes gives me and my colleagues a giggle!  FYI I've copied and pasted these exactly as I've received them ... no editing at all except where I've removed names or contact details.  Enjoy!
Email 1

I'm not sure if you would like to be in a relationship with an Indian man. But I just thought I'd write you a short note to tell you how much I enjoyed glancing through your profile. I can't recall when I had a more pleasant time. Everything felt so natural, and you are so beautiful. It's hard for me to identify what it is about you that attract me so. I suppose it might be the combination of your beautiful brown eyes, your blonde hairs, your charming smile, your gorgeous tanned white skin, and your good-looks. Whatever it is, I can sense its presence. You could call it chemistry :-)
I'm experienced and date only woman older than me (who are young at heart! and keeps themselves fit!) as I find them intellectually sexy! In Germany it is really difficult to find a woman older than me; that's why I am looking for someone on Internet willing to relocate to Germany. Having said all this, I'm not looking for a mama to wash my underwear or cook me food though.
Well, if you are open for interracial relationship with an Indian man, I really hope that my first e-mail is not the last because I felt very special when writing to you. I truly want to know you and give our friendship a chance to grow. Well, I guess I've said enough for the time being. Have a wonderful day and, hopefully, I'll hear from you soon.
Until I hear from you, take care of yourself :-)
Email 2
I pay you a lovely compliment and you don't even bother to say thanks!!!
Now I know there are probably some mingers and low-lifes on here but as I am a male version of you, I would have thought a polite thanks but no thanks would have been in order!!!!
Maybe I am too well travelled and you felt under pressure to beat my Butler??????? ;-)
Email 3

Hope you are well, just came across your profile and you look and sound a really nice lady. As you can see, i am a bit past my best before date for you, but nothing ventured as the saying goes.
It would be good to learn more about you, so if you dont mind chatting to a geriatric ( with own home and zimmer ) it would be nice to hear from you. Must dash now as meals on wheels has just arrived !
Take care (he’s 64!)
Email 4
Amazing babe xxx  (he’s 26!)
Email 5
come to Norway kiss from a sea captain:)
Email 6
Top drawer..what is your name please

Email 6

hey pretty lady, I am 25, and a p.e. teacher, and recently completed my masters, if you want to talk more and get to know me more catch me on m s n or email me or f/b me, because id love to get to know you more (took his info out here!) txt me if you want - and this is if you cant answer on here!

... Ahhhhhhh I know I keep saying it, but you can't make this stuff up and this is only a tiny selection of the emails I’ve received ... some are just not suitable for printing!  Oh and some of the descriptions people give themselves are hilarious ... whenever did black hair actually mean grey (and why lie about it and then post a pic of yourself?!)  Mehreen reckons it could mean "pale black"!  Another fab comment from her when I showed a picture of a guy who'd mailed me was, "You'd think he'd stick to head shots" lmao!
More from my Rome visit tomorrow ... with pictures ... oh how I'm spoiling you! ha ha

Have fun lovely people and be fabulous!

PS I've just been having a catch up with my lovely friend, Vivien, who has also been trying her hand at the online dating game.  I think she's totally trumped me on the crazy emails.  She told me about one guy who described himself as a Spaniel who'd had his tail docked and he was in need of some love so that it would grow back and he could start wagging it again!  She told him that she's already got one dog, thank you very much and she doesn't need another!

The second one asked her what she would think if he were to wear suspenders and stockings!  She told him that whatever he likes to do is up to him, but it's not for her!  So, it's not just me who attracts crazies ... it's a scary world out there folks ...

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