Thursday 15 March 2012

Weight Loss & Biggest Loser & Robbie Williams

Today’s gossip, well, it’s all about weight loss.   I think you may have noticed by now that I’m a bit weight obsessed and I’ve got really excited this week because not only was the wonderful ‘Supersize vs Superskinny’ continuing (God a love that programme), but we also had the final of Britain’s Biggest Loser on Tuesday night (oh how I love that programme too).  The guy that won, Kevin McLernon, lost 13 stone (182 lbs - his starting weight was 32 stone - the biggest guy they've ever had on the programme) in 6 months which equals 40% of his body weight!   WOW!  That’s so amazing – he looks like a completely different person.  Watch his win here:

Runner-up Jessie St John Sharpe lost 7st 8lb to finish at 11st 3lb and won a holiday to Antigua.  I love any kind of programme where a makeover is involved and I’m completely fascinated with the before and afters (whether its people or houses!).  The before and afters on the Biggest Loser where just amazing and you really have to take your hat off to the contestants ... now they are fabulous!

Next we have Robbie Williams who has hit back at papps for circulating a rather unflattering picture of him looking rather rotund – especially round the middle and chin(s).  The funny part is that he posted a picture of himself yesterday that he claims was taken the day after the ‘fat’ picture was taken.  In this new picture, he has different hair (not so grey and a different cut), looks about 20 lbs lighter and has abs.  Blimey, wish I knew his secret to be able to lose that much weight in 24 hours ... I could do with losing about 7 lbs and at his rate I could do it in a morning!
The Picture that Robbie Tweeted Yesterday

On the whole weight loss issue, you can’t help but notice a particular advert all over the place at the moment with a particular star advertising a particular weight loss programme (better not say who for obvious reasons).  Well, as I want to lose a few lbs before my next holiday in May (yep, I’m going away, again!) and with these adverts everywhere, I thought I’d look into it ... that’s the power of advertising folks!  They had a two week half price trial offer on their website and I thought I’d give it a go as that’s not really too much money to waste if I don’t like it plus I’d probably spend more than the amount quoted per week on food if I was buying it from the Supermarket.

So I rang up ... told the nice man about my weight loss target - gotta be honest, I did tell him I needed to lose 14lbs cos I didn’t think they’d be interested if I needed to lose less – and how right I was – but for different reasons.  The nice man said that the best option for me was a 3 month programme.  This is how the conversation went:

“3 months to lose 14 lbs are you kidding me?!”

“Well, it should only take you 6 weeks to lose the weight, the rest is maintenance”

“Well I really don’t want to sign up for that long, I just want to do the 2 week trial because I tried another 'ready meal’ weight loss programme and ate all the snacks that were meant to last me 2 weeks, the day they I got them and I don’t want to waste my money if I end up doing that again or if I don’t like the food” (Quite reasonable I thought!)

“This isn’t that weight loss programme, we’re completely different”

“Yeah, I know that, but I only want to do the 2 weeks”

“I can offer you 4 weeks at £160”

“I haven’t budgeted for 4 weeks.  I want to do the 2 weeks”

“What?! You can’t afford £150? *huff/snigger*”  (OMG I was so angry at this – he actually sniggered and was quite incredulous that I said I couldn’t afford£150!  His tone was APPALLING -  It’s a good job the little @*$£ wasn’t standing right in front of me ... what a bully!)

“Nope – I haven’t budgeted for 4 weeks” (I could afford it, of course I could, I just didn’t want to ... I had a feeling what was coming next ...)

“Don’t you have a credit card you use for large purchases?”

“I do, but I’m not using it for this!  I just want the two weeks” (I was really starting to get annoyed here ... how dare he suggest that I use a credit card!)

“What you really mean is, you can afford it, but you don’t want to afford it?” (He really stressed the words ‘really’ and ‘want’)

“Er, yes actually!  I just want the two weeks”

“Well 4 weeks is much ...

“Look ... Let me stop you right there ... I have no intention of listening to your sales pitch again.  I’m no longer interested.  Goodbye” (I said it in my sternest, no-nonsense, don't mess with me voice - I thought I kept my cool really well!)

He didn’t get a chance to say anything else ... I was bubbling when I came off phone.  It wasn’t so much what he was saying but how he was saying it (well, actually it was 50/50) ... so rude ... rude and cocky.  I’m so used to pushy, cocky sales people that when someone comes at me like that, it just immediately gets my back up.  The more cocky and pushy they get, the more annoyed and determined I get not to buy whatever it is they’re selling, no matter how much I want it (I think they call that ‘cutting your nose off to spite your face!').  Anyone who tries to browbeat me or bully me in to buying something is never going to win, it just ain’t happening.  However, what really worried me is how many people are being bullied into using their credit cards for purchases they can’t afford?  That’s hardly ethical and I really don't like that.

Also (again, this really annoys me too) the “Buy two weeks half price” trial is obviously just a ruse to get you to call them – they have no intention of selling you the 2 weeks (at least that was the impression I got).  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind them trying to sell me more, in fact I'd expect it, it's makes good business sense,  it’s just the way he did it.  I was very clear and said a number of times that I only wanted 2 weeks and he just wasn’t having it.  Someone from their company did call me back after about 10 minutes, but I obviously didn’t answer.  To be honest, I’d controlled myself pretty well up until then, but I couldn’t trust myself to be polite on a further conversation.  

So, lovelies, I have no idea what the diet itself is like, but if you’re gonna call one of these 'ready meal weight loss programme' people, be warned and be ready for the ‘hard sell’ – there’s no way they’re going to let you have just the two weeks, well not without a fight it seems.  So its back to counting calories and the gym for me ... humph *shrugs in a dejected manner*.

Well, that’s it for another day folks.  I’m off to do some work.  See you soon, have a wonderful day and be fabulous.

Lots of love


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