Monday 14 May 2012

Dukan Diet Update 2

OK ... full diet update.  Friday was a toughie ... as you know I was meeting some school friends and would have dearly loved to join in the wine tasting, but I was exceptionally good (I’ve NEVER done that before ie have the opportunity to drink yummy wine and not ... EVER!) and drank four large glasses of diet coke (which is allowed on the diet) instead of my beloved wine.  If you actually know me, you’ll know how rare that was ... not that I’m an ol’ alchie or anything, but I do like me sparkly stuff!

So the 4 diet cokes, coupled with the large diet coke I had at the pictures earlier in the afternoon, plus the two cups of coffee and 1.5 litres of water I’d drunk throughout the day made me feel very odd.  Friday night I had the worst night’s sleep for ages ... in retrospect, it can’t really have been the food but the amount of caffeine I’d consumed!  My total daily intake of caffeine is usually restricted to 2 large black fresh coffees in the morning ... can’t function without them, but I’d obviously had too much.

Saturday I woke feeling incredibly sick and oddly, incredibly thirsty!  During the whole day I felt really sick, lethargic and thirsty (the thirst didn’t wear off all day, no matter how much I drank) and I proceeded to drink 3 litres of water, 2 coffees, 2 cans of no calorie cream soda!  I don’t think I’ve ever drunk that much in one day in my life!

Sunday, I felt fine.  No massive thirst and I think I actually wasn’t anything like as hungry as I’ve been on previous days (sometimes I wake up with the most horrendous hunger pangs, even if I’ve gone to bed feeling relatively full).

As for the food ... I haven’t cheated once, not once ... I’m on day 7 today and can quite honestly say that I haven’t cheated even slightly and not one thing has passed my lips that’s not on the ‘allowed list’.  I’ve also drunk at least 2 litres of water every day and exercised 5 out of the 7 days.  It would have been 7 but as you’ll recall, I hurt my leg and really didn’t want to do more harm than good by continuing to exercise on it cos it was really painful.  Actually, it’s probably done my body good to have a bit of a break so I’m not beating myself up too much about that. 

So, I started the diet a week ago tomorrow, what’s my total weight loss in the first week?   Well, in total I’ve lost 3.5 lbs (I have fluctuated a bit, up and down during the week which was a bit hard to deal with at times!) which is pretty much what they predict (at 3-7 lbs) for the first week.  I can’t lie, I’ve done other diets where I’ve lost more in the first week, but then again, I’ve practically starved myself on those and can quite honestly say that I haven’t really been hungry on this because you can eat whatever you want from the list whenever you want it, so there’s no need to go hungry. 

The only downside is that every now and again, I do feel a bit sick (a horrible yucky sick feeling) but that passes quite quickly and I seem to be weeing more than I’ve ever done in my life, even though I always drink 2 litres of water each day whether I’m dieting or not.  In the book it says that all the toxins will be being flushed out of my body in the first week, so maybe it’s that!

I do occasionally get the yearning for carbs and where I always previously craved bread when I wanted a carb fix, I’m now craving donuts ... which I don’t think is a good sign because I’ve never been particularly fond of them before.  However, I could quite happily steal one out of a child’s grubby mitt right now I’m so desperate for one ... Even if it was covered in baby spit!  THAT’S how much I want a donut! Lol

So am I gonna stick with it?  Well considering I only have a week to go to my hols, hell yeah I’m gonna stick with it.  Could I do this diet long term?  Nope.  I still think the best way to lose a lot of weight (I only wanted to lose 5lbs ... but quickly!) is the Paul McKenna weight loss programme as it deals with the underlying issues that accompany weight gain (there weren’t any underlying issues with my recent weight gain other than I was a bit greedy last weekend!).  This is just too restrictive for me and I really couldn’t deal with not having carbs long term.  However, it’s been perfect for me for a quick bikini diet and actually, I did need to reduce my carb intake and it’s shown me I can do it and I don't need them as much as I thought I did.

Well, lovelies, busy busy busy as usual.  I’ll keep you updated on the whole diet thing.  Until next time, have a wonderful day and be fabulous.

Lots of love.


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