Wednesday 7 March 2012

Celeb News Update

Well lovelies, as stories of my little life seem to have slowed up for the time being, I thought I’d fill the void with the best of the Celeb news I can find from the last couple of days.  Huge apologies for my International readers if you don’t know some of the ‘Celebs’ (and I use the word loosely in some cases, cos they’re decidedly Z-list), but I thought it may be a bit entertaining anyway.

So here goes:

Imogen Thomas – OMG, I am so tired of seeing this woman’s, quite obviously staged, pictures in the press.  If you don’t know who she is, she is the epitome of a Z-lister and apart from being a glamour model (you know, all boobs and bum) her recent notoriety comes from an affair she allegedly (do you like what I did there ... it’s almost like I know what I’m doing!) had with an English footballer ... I’d love to tell you who, but I don’t know and don’t care!

Anyway, this week’s staged shots are of her wearing a very short fuscia coloured dress (it’s bloody winter for goodness sake) being blow up by ’the wind’ with no attempt whatsoever by her to pull it down, leaving her thong ... yes THONG on full display (if you Google it, you can even see a picture of her ass).   Shameless, absolutely shameless.  Have some self respect love!  How you can ever be that desperate to phone photogs/paparazzi and tell them where you’re going to be so that they can grab a gratuitous shot of your boobs or ass popping out from some rediculously short/tight outfit, cos that’s quite clearly what she does, is just sad.  Sad.  This poor girl has no discernible talent, so this is obviously the only way she feels she can make money and keep herself in the spotlight.  I think I’m going to send her a huge virtual hug and a load of positivity; then again, she probably earns a shed load more than me ... so good luck to her!  (I'm purposely not putting a picture of her here cos I don't want to give her even more exposure ... if that was at all possible!)

Next, I have to mention Kim Kardashian.  I actually really love her ... well, her style anyway.  In fact I’d go as far as to say ‘I LOVE HER STYLE’!   I know she’s only famous for being famous (and for that sex tape and for ‘that’ backside ... wow, it’s HUGE!), but at least she does it with some flair (oh, and flawless makeup ... gorgeous) so I really have to take my hat off to her for being another that makes shed loads of dosh without doing very much for it.  Actually, that's not quite right.  She and her mother make a formidable team of business women and I really can't argue with that.  Good Luck to them! 

Over the last couple of days, Kim has Twittered pictures of her shoe collection and I don’t think I’ve ever been more jealous of anything in my life.  Actually, that sounds awful ... I don’t begrudge her at all ... I just wish they were mine!  She said that she’s got 41 pairs of Louboutins (I die!) and at anything from £350+ per pair, that’s ... a whole lot of shoe!  She also owns 70 (yes you read that right) 70 Hermes Birkin bags!  Those bags sell from £3,500-£32,000 each ... £32,000 each!  What is it they say on TOWIE, ‘Well Jel’ (that’s ‘well jealous’ to those outside the UK).  *Sigh* we’ve all got something to aim at ... mine’s to rival her at the Loubs count!

Here’s a small selection of her shoes that she Twittered this week ... *sob*:

A small part of Kim Kardashian's shoe collection

Another small part of Kim Kardashian's shoe collection ... *sob*

Next, I’ve really got to mention Rachel Zoe ... Stylist to the Stars and for those of you who don’t know who she is, she was attributed with encouraging Hollywood Hotties like Nicole Richie to take on the ‘Heroin Chic’ look that was oh so fashionable a few years ago.  Think ‘Lollypop head’ ie huge head, tiny body and you get the picture.  She’s emerged this week looking even more emaciated than usual.  My heart bleeds for ladies who think this look is glamorous and I think it’s really sad that these people are actually role models and think it’s OK to look this thin.  

And on that ‘thin’ point ... Nicole Kidman, another Hollywood legend known for her ... erm ... thin stature, has revealed on Monday night at a Paris Fashion Week Party that she has a passion for French bread.  Who the hell is she trying to kid man (she what I did there!)???  The nearest she’s ever come to bread in the last 20 years is seeing it mentioned on a menu.  I doubt she’d even want to smell it in case she inhaled its calories!  Hysterical ... these people must think we’re mad or naive!  She was apparently invited to the launch of Tod's new Signature Collection where she was heard to say, 'It's gorgeous to be in Paris. I just love bread, which I know in this day and age everyone says, "Don’t eat the bread."'  Like she eats bread ... she probably hasn’t had a carb since she was 5! Classic ... love it!

It’s kinda like when Hollywood women say they’ve had no work done ie cosmetic surgery.  I remember one of the reporters on Daybreak interviewing a renowned Hollywood plastic surgeon and saying that he thought that around 85% of Hollywood women had plastic surgery.  The Surgeon replied, “Make that 98%”!!!!!!  So ladies, don’t compare yourself to them, they may look brilliant, but they have brilliant surgeons and brilliant teams to make them look brilliant.  And you’re gorgeous as you are and don’t let anyone tell you any different.  On the other hand,’ whatever gets you through the night’ as John Lennon once said.

Well my gorgeous readers, that’s it for another day.  Hope you’re enjoying your week.  Tune in tomorrow, for more of the day’s celeb gossip.  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love



  1. The footballer in question is not English, he is Welsh, just thought I'd mention it! :D

  2. Wow! You know your stuff! lol :-)
