Monday 15 August 2011

Dating Update ... but don't get excited!

Well, it’s been a bit of a quiet weekend, so nothing worth reporting really, therefore, I thought I’d give you a bit of an update on the mails I’m still receiving from the dating website.  I must admit that I haven’t really done much in the way of replying to any of the few that actually look promising, but Mehreen’s been on my case this morning so I I’d better get on with it … she’s scary when she wants to be (it's in my own best interest though!)

Remember that these mails are copied and pasted exactly as I receive them.  This time I’ve added some of my immediate thoughts about them … Hope you find them as entertaining as we have!

·         Email 1
Subject: Hello
Hi have you been awaythis year yet (Creative type! Jx)

·         Email 2
Subject: Ooooooh
Ooooooh yes please you sound gorgeous; im fun, chatty and well hung, look forward to hearing from you x  (I kid you not!!! … me and Mehreen were in shock for a good 5 minutes after reading that!)

·         Email 3
Subject: Bloomin eck
How can I ask for a refund now I have you and your profile!

·         Email 4
Subject: Human Resources
well, had Maslow ever seen you, you would have been amongst the primary needs, in the hierarchy …… (This is one of my favourites … funny and a little clever … shame he was in his late 60s! Jx)

·         Email 5
Subject: hi
Let Me Introduce Myself, and then its upto you .(BUT DONT JUDGE ME ON JUST MY APPEARANCE,) (that gives you some idea about his looks … the words ‘hit’ and ‘ugly  stick’ come to mind! Jx)

Looking for genuine lady who enjoys laughter (always make a woman laugh. Extremely passionate and love romance and tenderness.  (Tenderness!  That’s nice isn’t it? Jx)

I’m lively and energetic, with a bright, bubbly personality and a very cheeky, mischievous sense of humour.

Professional, Articulate, Intelligent and Handsome. (Amazing how many men class themselves as handsome … he was intimating that he thought the opposite earlier! Jx)

HONESTY, TRUST & LOYALTY Is All I Ask For.! , Nothing Gained, Nothing Ventured.!!!

Live alone in ***** (I’m not flamin surprised! Jx)

Surprise me and even if it’s a polite NO. but you will surprised on how much I have to offer that one special lad …. No harm in finding out…and im even better looking in real life (Did his mum tell him that?! Jx) as i am not photogenic

·         Email 6
hiiiiii (A man of few words! Jx)

·         Email 7
Subject: hello
are you looking to have some discreet fun? (OMG ... speechless! Jx)

I promise that I’ll return the mails of some of the better ones this week and will keep you informed.  In the meantime, my ‘Champagne Saturday’ friend, Justine has asked if I wanted to go Speed Dating with her.  I think that’s a definitely yes … if nothing else, it should produce a good post or two!  Will keep you informed of that too.

Oh and I haven’t forgotten either that I promised some more info from when I saw the psychic … I’ll do that later in the week.

Until then, have a wonderful week and be fabulous lovely people!



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