Friday, 16 March 2012

Ken Barlow's 1000 Lovers & Carol Vorderman's Bum!

Well before I move on to telling you about Ken Barlow and his antics, I just have to say another huge thank you ... my blog had the most hits ever in a single day yesterday ... wooooohooooooo!  Thank you so much!

OK, without further ado, here we go...

I read about this yesterday and just had to share it with you ... There was a story in the Daily Mail Online that alleges that Bill Roache aka Ken Barlow (he’s a character in the UK’s longest running soap, Coronation Street and has been in it since is started 50 years ago) has claimed that he’s had over 1,000 lovers *shudder* - ewwwwwww I had a bit of vomit at the back of my throat when I read that.  According to the paper, he’s said in an interview with Piers Morgan, 'I didn't have any control over my sex drive'.   Oh dear God in Heaven above, that’s the most vomit inducing thing I’ve ever heard!

79 year old Ken Roach admits to 1,000 lovers!

He’s had countless affairs and marriages on screen, but off screen, as well as two wives; he’s had countless flings and affairs and admitted that he regularly cheated on his first wife.  What a lovely man!  Apparently, some of his lovers have referred to him in bed by his character’s name, Ken – ewwwww can you imagine shouting “Ken Barlow, Ken Barlow!” in the throes of passion!  The mind boggles.

 ‘Looking back, I didn’t know any better,’ he said about affairs in a TV interview due to be screened next month.  ‘Didn’t know any better’!!!  What a load of bloody rubbish.  ‘What?  You didn’t know that you were committing adultery/cheating on your wife/wives?’  What a horrible little man!  He added: ‘But what I did find out is it does not bring you happiness and it is not the way to be’ – no sh*t Sherlock!

‘I had the opportunity, I indulged it and I can tell you this: It’s not worth it.’ ‘The pain that it caused, and there’s all sorts of dangers.’  What?  Like STI’s, stalkers, bunny boilers not to mention the hurt it must have caused his family.  Shame on you Bill Roache, shame on you.  I feel sorry for his children (he has four).  Can you imagine finding that out about your dad?  It’s appalling behaviour.

I’ve been reading Piers Morgan’s tweets about it and they’re hilarious (especially the re-tweets from his followers).  Apparently, since Piers broke the news #BillRoache has been the single most talked about man in the world on Twitter!  Apparently, Bill also hinted that he slept with a star of the show that was in it for 25 years, but denied (unconvincingly) that it was Bet Lynch.  Piers' twitter feed went mad then with the favourite guesses, Ena Sharples, Hilda Ogden, Hayley (pre or post op) – So funny!  If you fancy watching it, the interview with Mr Roache airs on ITV1 on Friday 13 April at 9.00 pm (I know that I’ll be watching, if only so I shout at the TV!).
OK rant over (sorry, to be so judgmental ... I’m not very understanding when it comes to ‘affairs’).

Oh and here’s another, anyone getting sick and tired of seeing pictures of Carole Vorderman’s (she used to be a presenter on a UK daytime TV programme) ample backside?  Bloody hell woman ... put it away!  It’s everywhere that bum.  I’m surprised it’s not got it own TV show as it seems to have a career all of its own.  I’m really struggling to see what’s so wonderful about it.  Now don’t get me wrong, she looks amazing for someone who’s 50 something ... but her arse?  Really?  She took it for an outing again yesterday at the races (the strap line from the paper I read this in was ‘Place your butts’!!!) and she’s obviously posing for the ass shots.  Oh dear, well I suppose whatever gets you through the night and I guess you could be famous for far worse!

In other, rather lovely, news ... Charlize Theron has adopted a baby boy named Jackson.  Charlize has previously spoken out about adoption when she said, ‘There are so many unwanted children on this earth and it's our job to care for them. And if we don't we're doing the world a disservice.'  Totally agree ... good for her, it’s nice to hear some good news.

Katy Price has been awarded Celebrity Mum of the Year 2012 by Foxy Bingo.  Love her or hate her yyou can't argue with the fact that she loves those kids.  She apparently stormed out of the Hunger Games premier a couple of nights ago because they wouldn’t allow her in with her phone.  The article I read made her sound like a real drama queen and a bit of a diva.  However, I saw her tweet later on that night that said that she decided to leave because as a mum of 3 children (especially a child with a disability) she couldn’t ever be in a position that she was not contactable.  Seems very reasonable to me, its interesting how the press turn things around.  Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not a massive fan of hers, but I can only admire someone who has such obvious love for her kids and such a brilliant business sense.

And finally, I’m gutted ... my beautiful Tom Hardy has grown a grisly beard.  I’m devastated.  My lovely dad has a beard and it suits him, but not my lovely Tom!  Hopefully, it’ll just be for a new role and he’ll be back to his beautiful, clean shaven self really soon (or should that be ‘swoon’ *groan*).
The lovely Tom Hardy & his horrible bushy beard!

Right lovelies, that’s me for another day.  I’ve got meetings this morning, then I want to watch The Devil Inside later (or John Carter ... not really too fussed which).  So Happy Friday everyone ... the weekend’s nearly here and that means wine!  Be fabulous.

Lots of love


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