Friday 11 May 2012

Dukan Diet Update!

Well how disappointed am I?  I thought I was doing really well on my Dukan diet (today is day 4) – I haven’t cheated at all ... AT ALL.  Not one thing that’s not on that list has passed my lips and I’ve also done way over and above the recommended exercise of 20 minutes walking.  In fact, I’ve done at least 2 hours a day in the gym since (and before) the start of the diet.
Today, I got on the scales (the book says to weigh yourself constantly because the weight will drop off you and you will see a difference from hour to hour even!) and disappointment doesn’t even cover it ... I’d put a pound on!  How the hell did that happen?  Gutted.  I really don’t understand how it happened, because I’ve even just totted up the calories I ate yesterday (you’re not supposed to calorie count on this, however, calories in vs calories out is a pretty good rule for weight loss) and I actually only had 980 calories!
Now, before one of you buys in to that ridiculous idea that I’m ‘training so hard and muscle weighs heavier than fat’ rubbish, I just don’t hold with that.  I’ve hardly turned into Arnie plus I was training before I started the diet.  I think that’s applicable for men who can put on huge amounts of muscle, but it’s never held true for me – and I actually think it’s an excuse that fat people use when they don’t lose weight!  (Sorry, that’s probably controversial ... but true!)
 So I’ve gotta be honest, I’m at a bit of a loss.  In fact, in case you think I’ve got dodgy scales ... I have two pairs (bet you’re not surprised about that one are you?) and weigh exactly the same on both.  I’ve also gone back and weighed myself at least 5 times since I woke up (its 9.00 am now) and there’s been no change. 
I’m more than a bit disappointed.  I’ve put tonnes of effort in and I’ve gained a pound!  I was tempted to knock the whole diet thing on the head; however, I really can’t afford to do that what with my holiday only 12 days away ... eeek!
Oh and to add insult to injury (actually, it’s the other way round, injury to insult) I seem to have done something to the back of my left knee, which is massively painful and swollen and I nearly fell over when I tried to stand on it this morning.  Hmmmmm it’s really not sounding good when you add it all together is it? 
I’m thinking I should abandon all thoughts of diet and exercise and just go away ‘au naturel’ on my hols ... Oh who am I kidding ... that ain’t never gonna happen! Lol
Right, on to other things ... This weekend is a busy one, I’m happy to say.  Tonight I’m meeting up with some school friends I haven’t seen for 25 years.  We arranged it months ago and originally had decided that we would all go out for a meal, however it turns out that we all have reasons not to eat:
1.    Lovely lady 1 (Jo)  – is on a body attack at the moment and has been training hard in order to get fit and healthy – plus it’s her son’s birthday on Sunday and she doesn’t want to disrupt her diet 2 days in one week (totally get that)
2.    Lovely Lady 2 (Sharon) – is currently doing the Slimming World diet and doesn’t want to jeopardise it (totally get that too)
3.    Lovely Lady 3 (Jo) – is doing a ‘Run for Life’ on Sunday (so proud of her) and as she’s in training, she doesn’t want to eat a big restaurant meal (again, perfectly reasonable)
4.    Me – well I’m on the Dukan diet so it’s diet coke all the way for me
5.    Lovely Lady 4 (Issy) – didn’t really get the option! Lol
I was thinking about it last night ... when did that happen?  The fact that a bunch of fabulous (because we really are!) 40 somethings pass up a lovely restaurant meal in order to get our bodies trim and feel better about ourselves?  Not fair!  20 years ago, it wouldn’t have occurred to us to do that (mind you, we probably couldn’t have afforded it then!).  No wonder the diet industry is so mahoosive!

Ho hum ... I guess it’s just one of those things, slightly depressing though.  However, I have to say, that if I hadn’t overindulged last weekend and put 5 lbs on (in one weekend) it probably wouldn’t have occurred to me not to have the meal.  In fact, I’d have been quite disappointed at the suggestion that we don’t eat!

Tomorrow, I’m off to watch Elvis at a Golf Club with a lovely friend Jill.  Wouldn’t it be funny if turned out to be the real one ... anyway, that’s just mental ... must be the diet affecting my brain! Should be fun, I’ll tell you about it next week.  Oh and this afternoon, I’m going to watch the new Johnny Depp film ‘Dark Shadows’ ... so looking forward to that!  I’ll give you a review over the weekend.

Right lovelies, I’ve got a busy day ahead (work, proposals, gym, cinema and meeting lovely friends today) so I must rush.  Hope you have a wonderful Friday and remember to be fabulous!

Lots of love



  1. Hey! There are so many factors that influence our weight so I wouldn't worry too much, I'd just carry on and perhaps stay away from the scales for a couple of days. All it takes is going to the loo less, exercise (I always weigh more the days after the gym), period and things like that - a pound is nothing :)
    By the way, are you sure you are eating enough? I am now in Cruise and my weight stopped dropping for a full week. I followed someone's advice of eating more and actually lost 1.7lbs the following week!

  2. Thanks for the advice Sara ... I'm sticking with it and will keep up the updates! Jx
