Wednesday 11 July 2012

Disastrous Eyebrow Tattoos

I had to share this with you.  Remember around Christmas time, I spent nearly £700 not to mention the loss of two days pay (I work for myself so every day I don’t work, I don’t earn) and the diesel costs of travelling to Milton Keynes twice to have my eyebrows tattooed by leading eyebrow specialist, Nilam Patel?  Well all I can say that it’s the biggest waste of money I’ve ever spent.

I have spent on some stupid stuff in my life; however, I did think that by choosing the ‘leading’ eyebrow tattooist in the country I was pretty sure to have a great result.  Nope ... not even close.  A few weeks after I had my top up (I had my initial tattoo done in December – the top up was in January) I realised that it really hadn’t worked.  The tattoo was extremely pale and I still had to fill it in with pencil.  I was going to complain then as I was told to come back if they still weren’t right, but I’m not very good at that (like most Brits) and also, I really didn’t relish taking another day out to travel all the way down to Milton Keynes (it would mean another day out and more diesel costs).

However, I was talking to a couple of friends last week and they said that I should contact Nilam because it really wasn’t right that you spend so much and they look so poor.  I still ‘umed and ahhed’ but happened to bump into someone who does eyebrow tattoos a couple of days ago.  I wiped off the makeup I’d applied over my brows and showed this lady.  She said that it wasn’t right; they shouldn’t fade that much in six months and that I should ring Nilam and ask to have them looked at.

Armed with that knowledge and because I really was p*ssed off with the poor result, I rang her clinic yesterday.  I was told that the pigment doesn’t take on everyone and that was pointed out very clearly in the disclaimer that I’d signed!  “So, you’re not going to do anything about it after me spending nearly £700, two days off work and all the travel?” “No.  You just have that type of skin that doesn’t take to the pigments.  It was all stated very clearly in the disclaimer and the person you spoke to should have known that.  I’d question her ability if she didn’t tell you that could be the result and told you to contact us”

That was it.  End of conversation.  I was a bit shocked because I was told by Nilam that I should come back if I still wasn’t happy (OK that was 6 months ago, but mine haven’t faded, they haven’t been right from the get go!)  So ladies, if you’re thinking of forking out £700 don’t.  Do your homework and speak to people who’ve had it done by the person who is going to do yours.  There are some really good ones, also some really bad ones out there whether you pay a lot or a little.  I just assumed that I was going to the best in the country (who cultivated that title though?  You have to wonder).  Just do your homework and try and actually speak to people who’ve had it done.  Don’t just rely on pictures.

Now it may be that the person I spoke to is right, I may have ‘that type of skin’ I’ll let you know when I have them done again by someone else (once I’ve viewed their work for myself ie not in a picture!).  As for the adage, ‘You get what you pay for’ ... well I’m undecided on that now!

I just felt the need to share that one with you as it’s becoming more and more popular!  Right, busy day for me, whatever you’re doing, have fun and be fabulous!

Lots of love



  1. Thanks for this post.. food for thought..I'm looking at getting mine done.

  2. You're very welcome ... Glad I could help. Let me know if you decide to have it done and the results! Jx

  3. I'm really sorry that you've had a terrible experience, J, but thank you for warning others. It doesn't seem right that they can say 'meh, it's your skin's fault!' I came across your blog because I'm looking to get mine done and live in MK. Now I know who not to use! You've probably saved many a browless lady. I hope you finally have your fabulous brows! Take care, Jo x

  4. Thanks for your feedback Jo. Funnily enough I had them done again last week at another salon .... These are even more disastrous! I'll be updating my blog soon once I have the salon's feedback! Jx

  5. Thank you so much for your advice, will certainly keep lear of this person. Am currently looking to have my eyebrows done so any feedback welcome.
