About Me & My Blog!


Hi everyone and welcome to my blog!

I first started blogging back in February 2010 as a result of so many of my friends telling me that I should write a book because my life is so, erm ‘unusual’ is as good a term as any (‘crazy’ is probably nearer the mark!).  Stuff happens to me that never happens to other people and because I’ve got such a bad memory (I tend to forget stuff pretty much as soon as it’s happened), my lovely friends kept urging me to write it all down.  Anyway, I haven't got the patience to write a book, so I thought blogging would be the next best thing!

There's never a dull moment with me and some of the scrapes I get myself in ... well, you couldn't make it up! For the record, everything I write here is absolutely true with no embellishments whatsoever. Honest! 

To tell you a bit about me ... well, I live in the UK, I'm single (and periodically dip into the on-line dating scene ... great blog fodder) I'm in my early 40s and I'm not ashamed to say that I like the finer things in life ... far away holidays, designer clothes/shoes (bought in the sales, wherever possible!), nice cars and good food.  I'm a professional business woman and have my own business, however, I have to point out here that I'm very far from rich, I just work hard ... REALLY hard! I'm slim (but don't give me grief over that ladies ... I'm that weight cos I hardly eat ... you really can't have it all!), have a gym membership, but can never be bothered to drag my sorry ass there (hence the need to not eat!) and am totally in love with Champagne and drink it at every available opportunity!

I’m totally obsessed with anything to do with beauty, fashion, celeb and leopard print ... Oh and I really LOVE films ... I mean REALLY love films and due to my ‘Unlimited’ card from my local cinema, I watch at least one film a week.  Oh and I mustn’t forget ... I have THE most amazing friends in the whole wide world!

So that’s pretty much me and my blog.  I hope you enjoy reading it.  Please feel free to leave any comments (there’s space after each post) or mail me at handbag-gladrag@hotmail.co.uk

Hope you enjoy your stay ... come back soon and be fabulous!

Lots of love
