Tuesday 6 March 2012

2012 Oscars Special – Angelina’s Leg

OK, so I said that I’d give you the run down on Angelina’s leg (I've probably missed the boat on this one ... you probably know all about it by now).  Well, like I mentioned in my first Oscars post, I watched all the dresses on the ‘E Red Carpet’ and then settled in to watch the Oscars proper.  I’ve got to be completely honest here ... I lasted an hour and in that time nothing really exciting had happened, so I thought anything interesting will be shown again, so I headed off to bed.

Next day, one of the first things I did was watch E News to see what else I’d missed ... and there it was ... Angelina’s Leg!  I’ve included the link so that you can see what I saw (http://uk.eonline.com/videos/Angelina_Jolie_s_Leg_Kicks_Off_Viral_Frenzy/179369).  OMG, when I first saw this clip, I was totally stunned.  I’d obviously seen her showing her leg in her Versace gown (from every perceivable angle - below are just a fraction on the red carpet pictures that have appeared) on the red carpet, but nothing prepared me for this. 
Angies Right Leg on the Red Carpet

In case you can’t be bothered watching it, she was presenting an award, walked out on to the stage and up to the mic and positioned herself with her right leg sticking out of the slit in her gown and her left hand on her hip in a ‘teapot’ pose.  Nothing wrong with this you may think, but she then proceeded to reposition herself, sticking her leg out further, in the most cringe worthy, attention seeking way that made me feel embarrassed for her!  This is her presenting the award:
Angies Right Leg on the Oscars Stage

What was really funny was that the guys from ‘The Descendants’ (whom she was presenting the award to) where clearly as amused as me by her behaviour and made a big thing of replicating her pose (hilarious!) – Here’s a picture of the moment:
Angies Right Leg and a Cast Member from The Descentants

I’ve never seen anything like her behaviour before, it was extreme even for a Hollywood Star.  However, I guess she got what she wanted; pretty much every newspaper and news channel carried the story worldwide, so I guess it must have been worth the embarrassment for her because she (well actually her leg) has now gone viral!

The first picture that appeared following her leg's appearance (that I saw anway) was tweeted by Phil Schofield - I nearly fell over when I saw it:
The first picture that appeared with 'The Leg'

Next came the inspired action by someone who created a Twitter account for the leg @AngiesRightLeg – here are some of the tweets that have appeared:

"You've got to admit I'm one hell of a leg"

"Look at this leg"

"I'm a leg"

 OMG – Love it!  Whoever thought of that is a genius. 

Then Angies Right Leg became attached to pretty much everything and everyone (there are tonnes of pictures out there, so Google away if you want to see more ... it's so worth it, they're really funny!):

Our Queen with 'The Leg'
'The Leg' does Star Wars
'The Leg' does Lord of the Rings
Darth Maul (I had to look that name up) looks rather fetching!

So it seems like Angelina’s leg really has taken on a career of its own.  Imagine being upstaged by your own leg!

Well, that’s all for today folks ... busy, busy day (as usual), lots of meeting today.  Hope you have a good one.  See you soon.  Be fabulous!

Lots of love


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