Tuesday 28 August 2012

Ted & The Dark Knight Rises

OK, so I’d forgotten that I’d also been to watch a couple of other films over the last month.

Firstly there was Ted, which I have to say that I wasn’t going to bother seeing until my mate Debi told me how funny it was ... and she was right!  The premise is very odd.  A man has a teddy since being a kid that actually speaks.  Now, I guess what makes it funny, is that this teddy has a real potty mouth which you don’t expect a teddy to have!

The story ... a boy gets a teddy for Christmas and wishes it was alive, next minute you know, it’s alive and stays with him as he grows up.  However, it becomes problematic when he meets and falls in love and the teddy’s still hanging around.  Throw in a dodgy guy and his son that want to kidnap the ted and comedy ensues.

It’s definitely worth a look, for the shock factor if nothing else!  Here’s the trailer in case you’ve been living in a hole for the last month.  You may want to look at the 'Thunder Song' on YouTube too ... it's funny, but a bit rudder than I'd like to post in my blog!


The other film I saw was The Dark Night Rises.  Now, I have to say here that I’m not a Christian Bale fan.  Don’t know what it is about him (yes I do actually, it’s his mouth ... its odd) and I also didn’t like that he blasted someone on set a few years ago and was particularly vicious towards them (no need).   I’m also not really a huge fan of action films, so it was going to have to be magnificent if I was going to love it.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t and I didn’t.  It was OK and for those of you who like lots of action, comic books turned into movies and very long films (2 hours 45 minutes) then I guess it would be a winner.   For me, it could have done with being an hour shorter.

I’d tell you about the story, but it was that unmemorable that I can’t remember it!  I do know that the wonderful Michael Caine was in it though, so it definitely wasn't all bad.  Oh, and the usually gorgeous Tom Hardy was virtually unrecognisable, in fact I didn't realise it was him until near the end of the film!

Here’s the trailer ... I’m sure you boys will love it (not meaning to be sexist or anything!).

See you soon lovelies, have a good week.  Be fabulous.

Lots of love


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