Sunday 2 September 2012

Total Recall & The Possession Reviews

Well I’m afraid that it’s still a bit ‘all work no play’ for me at the moment.  The only thing I’ve done over the last few days that didn’t involve work was ... yep, you guessed it ... going to the movies.  Friday I saw two films, The Possession and Total Recall.

The Possession was BRILLIANT!  I absolutely loved it.  It was reasonably scary, but not gory (I love horror films, but hate the gory ones).  If you’ve seen ‘Case 39’ with Renee Zellweger and you liked that, you’ll love this.

The story centres around a young girl who persuades her dad to buy an old box covered in obscure inscriptions.  It doesn’t take long for weird things to start happening to her and her family.  You may not know the stars names, but you’ll know their faces.  The girl’s dad is Jeffrey Dean Morgan (from PS I love you ... love that film!) and the mum was played by Kyra Sedgwick (she’s been in tonnes of films but I can never remember her name).

Anyway, it was the best film that I’ve seen in a long time and definitely worth a watch.  Here’s the trailer.


 Next, Total Recall.  To say I was disappointed was an understatement.  Graphically it was beautiful and far better than the original (well it was over 20 years ago) but the story was quite different (what story there was ... practically none) and seemed to me to be just one big ‘chase’ ... boring.  The new Batman film was like that too ... no story, just one long chase.  Also, I didn’t like the fact that they didn’t go to Mars (the whole story was based on post nuclear Earth) and there were no mutants!  I guess that’s not politically correct nowadays; however, there was a token but rather random woman with 3 boobs.  No explanation as to why she was the only mutant with 3 boobs, but hey, I guess they were trying to pull some stuff through from the first film.

Oh and I mustn’t forget how they try to make you think that the ‘woman’s head which changed into Arnie’ was gonna happen the same way ... it didn’t.  I think that was the weirdest, most pointless part of the film actually.  So, in summary, looks fabulous, failed miserably on the screenplay.  Here’s the trailer.


I’ve also seen ‘A Few Best Men’ and ‘The Watch'.  I’ll review them tomorrow.  Until then, have a wonderful Monday and be fabulous.


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