Tuesday 8 January 2013

Life of Pi, Parental Guidance, Seven Psychopaths

OK, so more film reviews.  Let’s get straight to it (before they go off the cinema!)

Life of Pi ***** (4.5/5)

I loved this film and really would probably have been a 5 only for the fact that it was about half an hour too long for me.  There was at least half an hour during the middle of the film that could have been taken out and would not have affected the plot in any way.  Having said that, I did really enjoy it. 

The cinematography was amazing and the special effects were fabulous, but it was the story that was really enjoyable with the most amazing twist at the end (don’t worry, I won’t tell you what that is).  So what’s it about? Well, the family of a 16 year old Indian boy decide to relocate their Zoo (yes, Zoo) to Canada.  However, during the sea journey their freighter was shipwrecked.  He ends up on a make shift raft with an orang-utan, a zebra, a hyena and a Bengal tiger.  The film follows his trials and tribulations in trying to keep himself and others alive!

I LOVED it!  Go see it.  It’s beautiful.  Here’s the trailer – you may have already seen it but even so, it’s worth seeing again...


Parental Guidance * (1/5)

“OMG – shoot me now” was the saying that kept floating through my head during this one.  Dreadful.  Awful.  Appalling.  I actually couldn’t believe quite how bad this was.  It stars Bette Midler and Billy Crystal (so you’d think it would at least be passable) who play the grandparents of three children whose parents ask them to babysit whilst they go on holiday for a few days.  Two worlds collide when the grandparents try to use their old school parenting skills on new age kids (well, that’s what they gumph says anyway).

Load of bloody rubbish.  Lame gags, unnecessary slapstick and totally unrealistic, set up scenarios.  Dreadful, dreadful film, watch it at your peril!  (No trailer because I couldn’t do that to you)

Seven Psychopaths **** (4/5)

I really enjoyed this film.  I won’t go into it too much because I think it’s gone off the cinema now (which is a shame because I really recommend it ... catch it on DVD – I nearly typed video! – you won’t be disappointed).  It’s about a struggling screenwriter, Colin Farrell, who inadvertently becomes entangled in the LA criminal underworld after his oddball friends kidnap a gangster’s beloved Shih Tzu.

It’s hilarious with a fabulous cast (including Christopher Walken, Sam Rockwell, and Wood Harrelson – the gangster), screenplay and storylines.  It’s definitely worth a watch.  It’s very different to a lot of films I’ve seen recently.

Right lovelies, more tomorrow.  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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