Wednesday 9 January 2013

Quartet - Playing for Keeps

OK, last two films...

Quartet ** (2/5)

I really was looking forward to this.  A stellar cast full of some of the UK’s best veteran actors and was directed by Dustin Hoffman, however, I found it really quite condescending and trite – the acting was as good as you would expect and they did their best with a rather dreadful screenplay.  Such a shame, because it could have been brilliant.  Either that, or it was definitely more suited to the ‘older’ (even older than me) generation, more my mum’s age.  In fact, my mum would love it, which is probably why I didn't!

The story was about aging actors who live together in a home and all still think they’re wonderful (my mum did amateur dramatics all the way through my childhood and I absolutely hated watching it in front and back stage, seeing all the backbiting, backstabbing, prima-donna behaviour that went on ... it turns my stomach when I think about even now all those years later, so much so that I couldn’t go and watch a play, even a professional one if you paid me ... I’ve been ruined for life!).

So sadly, it really reminded me of that, which is probably why I had such an adverse reaction to it.  That and I recognised some of my mum’s acting ‘pals’ in there too *shudder* - some of whom were talking far too loudly and obnoxiously.

Anyway, I’d better move on, because I’m getting a bit agitated!

Playing for Keeps *** (3/5)

This had such awful reviews that I really wasn’t expecting much and I have to say that it didn’t set my world on fire, but it was what it said on the box, a bog standard romcom.

It’s about a down on his luck former football star (Gerard Butler) returns home (he lives in the US) to put his life back together.  Looking for a way to rebuild his relationship with his son, he gets roped into coaching the boy’s football team.  But his attempts to finally become an adult and impress his ex-wife are met with challenges from the ‘soccer moms’ who pursue him every chance they get.

If you’re bored and seen everything else or really love romcoms, then it’s worth seeing otherwise, save it for DVD.  Here’s the trailer.


There are some wonderful films coming up that I’m really looking forward to.  Most notable are, Les Miserables, Gangster Squad and Django Unchained.  They’ve all had wonderful reviews and I’m really looking forward to them.  I’ve also discovered the wonders of Baskin Robins ice cream (which isn’t good for my waistline especially since my diet’s been going so well) but I absolutely can’t resist their Cherry and Turkish Delight flavours – OMG, so yummy!

Right lovelies, that’s it for another day, more soon.  Until then, be fabulous.

Lots of love


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