Monday 7 January 2013

The Hobbit - Jack Reacher - The Impossible

Well lovelies, what can I say?  It’s certainly been a while and for that I must apologise.  I’ve had so much going on in my personal/work life (I wish I could tell you, but that wouldn’t be right ... a bit too serious) that writing has been decidedly secondary.

Firstly, let me wish you a Happy New Year ... hope you had a good one and your Christmas was better than mine.  It was the worst ever ... and culminated in me having beans on toast on my own on Christmas day ... don’t ask ... it’s too awful. 

Anyway, onward and upward, it’s a New Year and a new start for me ... hopefully.  I’ve already embarked upon the diet and I’ve lost 4 lbs this week which I’ve done the old fashioned way ie 1000 calories a day and plenty of exercise.  I’m not sure how long I’ll keep up the 1000 calories for, but I’m giving it a good go.

Secondly, let me say another huge THANK YOU – even though I haven’t posted for ages, I’ve still managed to go over the 8000 hits mark!  That’s incredible.  Thank you so much.  You guys ROCK!

Right, so what can I tell you about?  Films ... lots and lots of films.  Pretty much the only thing I’ve been up to lately.  So, what films have I seen since my last post?

The Hobbit

The Impossible

Jack Reacher

Life of Pi

Parental Guidance


Seven Psychopaths

Playing for Keeps


So, let’s start with ...
The Hobbit – **** (4 out of 5 stars)

(I’ve added scoring now!  How advanced of me!) Well, I did enjoy it.  It was a little long and if you don’t like the Lord of the Rings films, then you won’t like this, but all in all it was really good.  The CGI was amazing as were the sets – there’s not really much more to say because you pretty much know what you’re going to get if you’ve seen the previous films.  Definitely worth a watch ... I’d even see it again!  I won’t add a trailer as I’ve already done so in other posts.

The Impossible ***** (5/5)

Loved it, best film I’ve seen this year (well, it is only the 6 January!).  So much better than I was expecting – it kept me on the edge of my seat pretty much all the way through and I cried like a baby (dunno if that’s because I’m more emotional than normal at the moment but hey ho!).

The story is a true one based on a family who were caught in Thailand during the awful tsunami of Christmas in - I think it was – 2004.  As they relax around the pool on Boxing Day a huge wall of black water races across the hotel grounds towards them.  The film then follows what happens to each of them.  It was gripping and really rather moving I have to say!  I thoroughly enjoyed it, but needed a lie down afterwards to recover.  Here’s the trailer...


Jack Reacher  *** (3/5)

Well, those who read these posts regularly will know that I’m not a fan of Titchy Tom – he just isn’t credible as an action hero for me ... he’s simply too small.  Because we know what size he is, you can tell when he’s standing next to someone whether he’s on a box or not.  I saw him interviewed about this film on The Graham Norton Show and his co-star Rosamund Pike (?) towered above him, so I was a bit distracted during the film, watching for the ‘box’ shots.

Anyway, I digress ... The story is about a gunman who shoots down five people in a seemingly random shooting.  Under interrogation, the suspect won’t say anything but just hands over a note saying ‘Get Jack Reacher’ and that’s where our Tom comes in.  He has to uncover what really happened which opens a whole bag frogs.  I can’t really say more because there are quite a few twists and I don’t want to spoil it.

I think that I may have been a little tight on the scoring for this one – it was quite entertaining, just not really my thing ... it was more of a ‘boy’ film, you know, all guns and everyone running, but it’s certainly worth a watch.

Right lovelies, that’s it for me today.  I’ll review the others over the next couple of days.  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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