Tuesday 26 February 2013

Can Men and Women be 'Just Friends'?

I thought I’d just throw this one in for good measure.  I’ve been working at a new company I haven’t worked with before this week and inevitably, this question came up when I was chatting with the girlies in my team ... Can men and women ever be just friends?

I think it’s a fantastic debate which I tend to have quite a lot with lots of different people.  When I say can men and women be just ‘friends’ I don’t mean acquaintances eg people in work, or people who you say hello to at the gym, I mean people of the opposite sex friends (I’m not including if one or both are gay here – definitely different rules apply there) who you go out with regularly for dinner, cinema, shopping etc with whom you have no sexual relationship.
I used to think it was possible, however, on two occasions in the last couple of years, men who I’ve known for a loooooong time and who I thought were perfectly clear that there would never be a ‘partner’ type relationship – in fact I’ve gone as far as to say “we will NEVER be partners” to both of them, have actually at some point over stepped that mark.  Before that happened, I would have always said, “Yes of course they can be friends.  My best friend is a man” however, I’m now coming to the conclusion that it’s a definite ‘No’.
I have one female friend who always maintains that men and women can NEVER truly be just friends as one is always more attracted to the other, even though they may not say so, or even may not always be fully aware of it.  I have to admit, that the more I see and the more I debate this with people, it seems to be true.
What do you think; do you think men and women can be friends without one being more attracted and deep down wanting more?
On another subject and just to have a minor moan, this month, I have to pay for my car service, gas and electricity bill, broken washing machine and to top it all, I need a new boiler!  How the hell does all that stuff come in one month?!  Beats me … just thought I’d throw that one in there.  Oh, and some other news ... I'm on-line dating again, so watch out for the updates.  We're in for some more fun or another bumpy ride!  Until next time lovelies, be fabulous.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Flight & Warm Bodies

OK, last two film reviews for now...
Flight ***** (5 Stars)
I really wasn’t expected much from this film.  I’d read some reviews and they said it was good, but even though I review films, I don’t hold much store by those written by others – I’ve seen films that were slated that I loved and vice versa,  I think ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ and films are really subjective.  This film however, I really loved.
So what was it about?  A seasoned airline pilot (Denzel Washington), miraculously crash lands his plane after a mid-air catastrophe, saving all but 7 of the crew and passengers.  After the crash, he is hailed as a hero, but as more is learned, more questions than answers arise as to who or what was really at fault and what really happened on the plane.
The story follows Denzel and his struggle to come to terms with what happened and his drink problem.  It was thoroughly enjoyable and keeps you entertained from beginning to end.  Definitely worth a watch, it’s my must see film of the week.  Here’s the trailer …

Warm Bodies * (1 Star)
Well, what can I say?  This may have reached 2 Stars if I hadn’t been so put off by sharing a cinema theatre with about 150 teenagers.  Firstly, I’m going to have a bit of a rant about that.  Not having any kids, I was immediately struck by how unruly 13-15 year olds are when there is no authority figure there to keep them in check.  I don’t care who you are or how well behaved you think your teen is when you’re not there, but I’m telling you, they aren’t! 
I can’t recall ever being in that situation before, but I was completely amazed at the showing off, the shouting, giggling, talking, phones on/phones off, throwing stuff, food rustling and general rowdiness of the kids in that theatre.  In my observations, kids under the age of 13 don’t act like that and teenagers over the age of 16 don’t act like that, so what is it that makes that age group so mental?
Is it because it’s probably one of the first opportunities they get to test out their independence without a parent or teacher being present?  Whatever it is, I suggest you parents have a word with your teen (even if you don’t think this doesn’t relate to your 13-15 year old, I’m telling you it does - there wasn’t one child in there that didn’t misbehave, even if only in minor way).
Right, rant over, humbug … on to the film.  After a zombie epidemic, a zombie encounters a human survivor and well, falls in love with her.  She sees that he is a bit different from the other zombies and they form a special relationship.  As the film goes on, he starts to become more and more human (ahhhh that’s what love does for you … or that’s what the film producers would have you think … it’s not like that in my experience!).
I guess it wasn’t that bad, in fact, if I’d been able to go in the day, mid-week, it may have even reached a 3 star status, but we’ll never know.  Note to self: Don’t EVER go and see a teen pic on a Saturday afternoon ever again.  The mahoosive ice-cream was good though!  Here’s the trailer …

Right, that’s it for another episode, there are another new batch of great looking films out in the next couple of weeks, so that'll keep me busy for a while!  Until then, be fabulous!
Lots of love

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Lincoln, Bullet to the Head, I Give it a Year

Again, not much to report really.  I’ve been incredibly quiet lately, that’s going to need to change soon, I’m getting a bit bored.  I know that at Champagne Saturday is on the cards pretty soon, so that’s something to look forward to, I also don’t have any holidays planned which is something I’m going to have to sort out soon!

So, back to the ole’ faithful film reviews.  Again, I’ve seen a few over the last few weeks, so let’s get stuck in …

Lincoln * (1 star)

I’ve got to be honest; this was the dullest film I think I’ve ever seen.  Now, don’t get me wrong, the acting was brilliant.  Daniel Day Lewis definitely deserved to win the BAFTA for it and he’ll have been robbed if he doesn’t receive the Oscar and Sally Fields as his wife as also fabulous, I just found the content and story EXTREMELY boring.  In fact, I can’t even remember watching a more boring film – I think I snoozed a few times too.  I guess if you’re into American history, then it would be slightly entertaining, but I just found it dreary, dreary, dreary.  The story is based around the time of the American Civil War when Abraham Lincoln was attempting to abolish slavery and win the war against the South.  Here’s the crux … he wins.  There you go; you don’t need to see it now!  Here’s the trailer just in case my review didn’t put you off enough!


Bullet to the Head ** (2 Stars)

This is the new Sylvester Stallone film.  It’s only been on at cinemas for a couple of weeks, but I think it may have gone off now … it doesn’t surprise me, I think it should have gone straight to DVD.  It was a typical Stallone film (he really is getting too old for this action s**t now – honestly, a man in his 70s is never going to win a fight against a buff twenty something!).  Here’s the premise: Career hit man Jimmy Bob enters into an unlikely alliance with a detective, Taylor Kwon, to bring down the ruthless killer of their respective partners.

I have to be honest (as you would expect) but the guy who played Kwon has to be THE worst actor I’ve seen in a long time.  It was amateurish and truly cringe worthy to watch him.  The story was full of awful cliché’s and was only mildly entertaining.  See it on DVD if you must.  Here’s the trailer …


 I Give It a Year **** (4 Stars)

I actually found this quite entertaining for a typical Rom Com.  More so than I expected (although that could be something to do with the fact that Simon Baker – him from The Mentalist – was starring in it … I love him).  Here’s the story: a couple meet, fall in love and get married within 7 months.  Their friends and family are really not convinced that they are right for each other and trouble ensues due to his ex-girlfriend still hanging around and her having to deal with a new, rather dishy client.

It was all really typical rom-com stuff, but I really did quite enjoy it (which was quite a shock!).  Here’s the trailer.

Right, that’s it for me today lovelies.  Tomorrow, I’ll review Flight and Warm Bodies.  Until then, be fabulous.

Lots of love
