Tuesday 26 February 2013

Can Men and Women be 'Just Friends'?

I thought I’d just throw this one in for good measure.  I’ve been working at a new company I haven’t worked with before this week and inevitably, this question came up when I was chatting with the girlies in my team ... Can men and women ever be just friends?

I think it’s a fantastic debate which I tend to have quite a lot with lots of different people.  When I say can men and women be just ‘friends’ I don’t mean acquaintances eg people in work, or people who you say hello to at the gym, I mean people of the opposite sex friends (I’m not including if one or both are gay here – definitely different rules apply there) who you go out with regularly for dinner, cinema, shopping etc with whom you have no sexual relationship.
I used to think it was possible, however, on two occasions in the last couple of years, men who I’ve known for a loooooong time and who I thought were perfectly clear that there would never be a ‘partner’ type relationship – in fact I’ve gone as far as to say “we will NEVER be partners” to both of them, have actually at some point over stepped that mark.  Before that happened, I would have always said, “Yes of course they can be friends.  My best friend is a man” however, I’m now coming to the conclusion that it’s a definite ‘No’.
I have one female friend who always maintains that men and women can NEVER truly be just friends as one is always more attracted to the other, even though they may not say so, or even may not always be fully aware of it.  I have to admit, that the more I see and the more I debate this with people, it seems to be true.
What do you think; do you think men and women can be friends without one being more attracted and deep down wanting more?
On another subject and just to have a minor moan, this month, I have to pay for my car service, gas and electricity bill, broken washing machine and to top it all, I need a new boiler!  How the hell does all that stuff come in one month?!  Beats me … just thought I’d throw that one in there.  Oh, and some other news ... I'm on-line dating again, so watch out for the updates.  We're in for some more fun or another bumpy ride!  Until next time lovelies, be fabulous.

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