Thursday 20 March 2014

Mr Beige Cords

OK Date No 2 from last week...

This is another that happened quite quickly.  He emailed over the weekend and we met on the Thursday (largely due to my hectic diary last week otherwise we may have met even sooner).  We spoke a couple of times and I have to be honest, in retrospect, he was a little full on.

Before our date, he kept asking me stupid questions, about how excited I was about us meeting ... here you go, here’s an example ... I got quite a few of these:


'Flirt with each other' ... in his dreams...

Maybe I’m just completely jaded but like I said in my previous post, I don’t believe in getting excited about meeting someone until I’ve already met them once and know that I like them ... otherwise it’s a complete waste of time, emotions and energy ... did I say I was jaded?

Anyway, I got to our meeting place early (as usually) and saw him lolloping in ... I sent a quick message to my fiend Michelle saying ...”Oh now, he walks like a monkey” ... Her response “Run!” After a quick reply, I wandered into the pub and there he was in all his glory ... all 57 years of him (at least) ... yep, another that lied about his age.  He said he was 47 ... even mentioned that he was 47 during the 'date', but he was 57 if not older.  I really don’t understand the need to lie like that ... bloody weird if you ask me.

“And how was he dressed?” I hallucinate you're asking ... like at 57 years old.  Beige cords (CORDS!!! Who the hell wears cords?  I didn’t even know you could still buy them!!!), brown shoes (ewwwwww wrong!) checked shirt, woollen V neck (all about 'Ralph Lauren Country Weekend') and ... wait for it ... a padded body warmer ... very like the one my dad wears for walking the dog ... Kill me now!

He actually mentioned something about his clothes and I couldn’t help myself ... “Does your mum buy them for you?” Him, “Oh you cheeky thing ... my sister does actually” Like that made a difference!  If a man has no style and can’t pick his own clothes, well ... ‘arghhhhhhhhhhh’ ... and breath.

So that was that really.  He knew I didn’t like him as I purposely miss-matched his body language (I think that’s been where I’ve been going wrong in the past – because in my day job it’s important to build almost instant rapport with people, I do the same thing with these guys and they mistake it for me fancying them).  Anyway, it clearly had the desired effect, so I’ll try that again in future if the need arises.

We stayed for about 40 minutes, drank our drinks and both buggered off without any other mention of contacting each other again.  I quite liked that ... it was very civilised!

So that’s it for now lovelies, there’s nothing else in the pipeline at the mo.  I think I may need to try another website as it seems to have all dried up on the one I’m currently on.  I’ll keep you informed anyway.  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love


PS It’s hysterical how quickly my hit rates go up when I do these dating posts, you obviously like them and I've now had over 15,000 hits!  Thanks so much for your continued support ... I really appreciate it.


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