Friday 11 April 2014

Dating Update

Well today I’ve decided to try a new approach on the dating website I’m on, I’ve changed all my profile pics and you’d be amazed how many messages I’ve had including one’s from men who’d rejected me in the past too, so it’s been hysterical.  On the whole, from what I see, they only look at the pictures anyway, so most think I'm new to the site!
Here’s a handful of today’s messages:
  1. nice tits [DELETE – BLOCK – NEXT]
  2. gud pics – how long u bin here [DELETE – NEXT]
  3. hi how are you lovely xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [DELETE – NEXT]
  4. hi babe [Seriously?! DELETE- NEXT]
  5. hya gorgous how are you babe lovely profile photos kind regards mark   1000% genuine [Kill me now – DELETE - NEXT]
  6. Hows u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx? [‘I’m not brilliant thanks for asking' - DELETE – NEXT]
  7. Like your porofile, might be an inch too short for you though. Other wise think we could have a good time. Chris x [Oh you think do you? ... Well I don’t think so – DELETE - NEXT]
  8. are you? .................hows things going on here?....................x [How original ... he was butt ugly too – DELETE – NEXT]
  9. hello hows you doing Im michael [*humph* DELETE - NEXT]
[Can’t stand text speak and a total lack of punctuation ... *shudder*]
This from someone who didn’t stopped replying during an email conversation we were having a while back:
Him:     Hi there. How are you? Nearly the weekend! I'm off to London to run the Marathon.... Excited and terrified in equal measures. Have you anything exciting planned for the weekend? Mel
Me:       We've spoken before ... you didn't like me. Good Luck with your run.
Him:     Really. Did I actually say that? I needed to go to specsavers from the looks of it. Ok. X
Him:     Did you have different pictures?  You look fabulous ... I can’t believe what an idiot I was [DELETE – NEXT]
I have had two conversations with men this week – the first one sounded lovely until he realised that I lived further away than he thought ... he had originally said that he would come over to me so we could meet (he only lives ½ hour away) but when he realised exactly where I lived, he wanted to meet half way.  When I mentioned it he said, “What if I don’t like you?  Then I would have wasted all that time.  At least if we meet equidistance (!!!!) neither of us has wasted too much time if we don’t like each other - or you could come to me?” Ha yeah right, like that's ever gonna happen! – NEXT!
Then yesterday I had another conversation with a lovely man, he made me laugh, he was articulate and tall (bonus)  but when I said that I wanted someone who had a career (because I have one and I find that men that don’t, really don’t get it when I have to work away or work late or when I’m under pressure etc) he thought I was after his money ... the fact I earn at least twice what he does didn’t seem to register - he thought I was a money grabber! Gotta be honest, I was disappointed with that one (for about a minute!) – NEXT!
I do have a coffee date in the morning – haven’t really seen a proper picture of him, so it very well might be a disaster, I’ll let you know tomorrow!
Until then, be fabulous, lots of love.

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