Tuesday 15 April 2014

Radical Action Required - More Dating Nightmares!

Right well, I told you that I’d changed my profile pictures on the dating site that I’m on, well I have been well and truly inundated by ... exactly the same men that inundated me when I first joined, sending me exactly the same messages as they sent first time round, they have simply looked at the new pictures, not read the profile or my user name and figured I’m new to the site, ergo ‘fair game’. 

How can I can tell that they are exactly the same messages when you know I have such a lousy memory?  Because even if we had both deleted the original message(s), they are automatically attached to any new ones, so the conversation continues ... it’s been hysterical, they just cut and paste their messages, typos an' all (seriously guys, if you're going to use a template, at least get someone to spell check it for you!).  Even men who had decided for whatever reason, that I wasn’t right for them the first time round have sent me messages as if they’ve never contacted me before.  As I’m sure you can imagine I’ve had some fun with those ones!

It really has been quite an experiment and for someone who deals with people, their emotions and their motivations in my day job, it really has been an eye opener and actually quite invaluable in the learning it’s given me.

The biggest learning point (which I really knew anyway, but you don’t like to think is true) men just look at the pictures (well the men on that site anyway – I don’t wish to offend my obviously intelligent male readers) ... and not very closely either!  On the whole they simply do not read the profile, they judge if they find the person attractive and that's enough.  Women on the other hand can fall for someone's personality first and their looks after (good job really as judging by the looks of some of the blokes on this website, the human race would die out really quickly if that were not the case!). 
Here are some more examples of the messages I’ve been getting ... they never cease to amaze:

  1. hello...........how are you? .................hows things going on here?....................x
  2. hello...hows you? X
  3. Helloo there :-)........ ......... .................. .......................... ....... ... ....... .......... ...... ................... ......
  4. Hellooo x you seem lovely a I likked your profile so thort I would say hi x
  5. Hiya how are you you Sound ans look lovely my Name is Billy im 46 and i am from Liverpool
  6. love the pics there! how is this ,ad site treating you? I think its nuts !ha [I think you’re nuts!]
  7. Hello My name is Avgust I come from Slovenia. Can I become first your friend? [Er ... don't think so]
  8. This one was a bit different.  From his message, I thought he looked promising, however, when I looked at his profile ... further proof that men don’t read, they just look at the pictures...
Him: Hi , I'm your man !! I match all your wants and I think you look amazing . I'd love to hear from you , I own a successful business employing over 60 people ( no not part time cleaners !) I can't be bothered with endless messaging Simon x

Me:   Hi Simon. Thanks for your message, however, I'm not sure that we're very well suited ... I'm not a fan of the great outdoors, would never dream of camping in a million years and don't like sports ... Sorry!

Him:  Ok ! thanks for replying ! x

So that lot combined with the fact that I talked to someone last week, whom I really liked and got on with like a house on fire (and that’s the first time I’ve ever said that ... honestly) who was supposed to call me on Sunday night and didn’t bother, has lead me to the realisation (finally) that I need to change sites again (I'm not giving up!!!!! God loves a trier).  I’m not sure the next site will be any better, but I truly think I’ve exhausted the pool on the current one.  So this morning I took the bold move of deleting my profile and I’m now scouring the website reviews of other dating sites. 

Oh ... and before I go, I pinched this off my lovely friend Rita's FB page ... sums it up nicely for me!


I’ll keep you informed of progress lovelies, it’s always fun when you join a new site ... messages go through the roof.  I’ll make sure that I do it this week, so stay tuned.  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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