Sunday 17 July 2011

Dating Update

Do you remember the guy I wrote about back in March ... Preston Man?  Well a week ago Thursday, I got a text from him saying “Hi, how are you?”  I must admit that I didn’t see it until the Friday ... I’d left my phone on silent and forgot ... Anyway, I asked the girls in work what I should do and the resounding response was to text him back and see what happens.  I couldn’t really be bothered either way, but they have a motto now ... “It’ll be good for the blog if nothing else!”  That attitude is getting me into all kinds of trouble ... like I needed anything else!  It’s starting to be my mantra and, as a result, I’m doing all kinds of things that I’d never usually do...
Anyway, I digress ... again!  So I texted this guy back and said “Hi”, he then asked me if I was still single ... I replied that I was and was he?  He replied by saying “Yes, still single, still looking”, but didn’t ask a question.  “How are you supposed to respond to that when he hasn’t asked a question?” came Mehreen’s response.  “Oh I dunno ... I give up” was my response.  I got a further text from him that night ... “Shall we meet”  He’s obviously not a man of many words and he sent that message about 10.00 pm.  I didn’t reply ... Next morning I got another, “Good Morning”.  I was off to get my nails and minx toes done (as you do), so didn’t reply until lunchtime saying good morning and yes we should meet and when was he thinking? 
The next reply from him was at 10.00 pm (for goodness sake ... is it that hard to pick up the phone and call someone these days????) saying, “Midweek” ... that’s it ... “Midweek” FFS! So I replied the next morning saying Tuesday or Thursday would be good (Wednesday I was having dinner with my friend Jo ... I didn’t tell him that bit ... goodness I’m rambling today).  Anyway, He replied a few hours later saying “Tuesday, Southport?”  Well, Southport isn’t that far from me, but, considering how much hassle this guy has put me through, I really couldn’t be bothered driving an hour to see someone for an hour (especially when I’m in the car up to 3 hours a day at the moment anyway), so I said “That’s a bit far, is there somewhere we could meet in between our two towns on the M6?”  What does he come back with about 6 hours later? “Is Preston too far?” .... the bloody cheek ... he lives in Preston!!!!  “Damn right it’s too bloody far” thinks me ... I didn’t say that to him though.
I must point out here, that distance isn’t a problem in a relationship ... I’ve always travelled a lot in my job so 30 minutes up a motorway isn’t bad, it’s just the fact that he’s messed me around so much and then wants me to go and see him with absolutely no effort on his part, whatsoever ... he couldn’t even be bothered to call me!  He messed me around back in March and now thinks I’m going to travel to his home town to meet him!  Wow, that’s some ego as far as I’m concerned!
So I didn’t reply.  The next day, around 7.00 pm I got a text, “Are we still going out tomorrow” I didn’t reply.  The day after that I get a call ... well voicemail actually as I was at the gym (yeah, I’ve finally gone back ... haven’t been since before St Lucia ... shameful paying all that money and not going ... I know, I know ... plus I’m getting a bit wobbly and we can’t have that!  My wardrobe’s far too massive to have to start buying a new one!).  I didn’t bother listening to it (I was well over the whole thing by this point) and asked Mehreen to listen to it for me.  Apparently, he said we were both really busy ... “Not me buddy!” thinks I and was I still available to see him on Thursday.  I didn’t reply.  I got a weird text on Wednesday (can’t remember what that said), then one on Thursday saying that he was on a coach with the Farmers Union going to Carmel Races and he hoped I was OK ... Random or what!  I had a few more from after that, so I agreed with the girls that I’d ring him on my way home on Friday ... which I did ... he didn’t pick up, but has texted me again over the weekend.  Oh I don’t get it ... games, games, games ... life’s too flaming short!  Either pick up the bloody phone and ask a woman out or don’t flaming bother!  Sheesh ... is it so hard????
I’m so over it again now.  I think I may have to abandon the whole internet dating thing again ... it gets me down!  Everyone keeps saying that it’s a numbers game ... I just don’t have the patience!  And I guess I could be criticised for not ringing “Preston Man” myself ... but like I say, I think I was over him after Round 1 in March.  Ho hum.
On another subject, I had a fab catch up with my friend, Jo.  We had a fantastic Italian meal at Ariete in Newton Le Willows ... about the best Italian around.  We did a sort of joint coaching session with each other.  It was very fruitful.  I have some fantastic new business ideas for some short courses I’m going to run in September ... watch this space.  It was really the boost I needed ... I’m feeling very inspired at the mo!  Thanks Jo.
I’ve not been up to much over the weekend, so not really got anything interesting to tell you about ... but I’ve got a busy week and it’s Rome at the weekend, so there’s bound to be quite a lot to tell you about next week.  Oh, and I haven’t forgotten that I need to tell you more about what the psychic said.  I’ll do that this week ... you won’t believe it!
Have a fabulous week, wonderful people.
Much Love

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