Thursday 14 July 2011

Dating Update

OK, so, apologies ... again!  It’s been a while and I’ve got quite a bit of catching up to do!  But where to start?  I guess the best place to would be ... internet dating.
Can’t say that I’m having fantastic results, but then again, I haven’t been trying very hard.  Lovely, but persistent, Mehreen has been extremely ... well ... persistent in her endeavours to try and get me to do it ... ie bother to at least log on to the site in the first place and then ... actually read the emails I’ve got, let alone respond to any that look remotely interesting.
She actually got me to bring my laptop in to work so that we could do it at lunchtime (she knew I’d never do it if it were left to me).  So one day, I actually brought my laptop in.  The only thing was that it was painfully slow and as I have one of those dongle thing-ame-jobs, each page took an age to load (we’re in the basement of a 25 story building, so the reception is rubbish).  Anyway, cut a long story short, we ruthlessly worked through the mails and ‘winks’ I’d received, blocking and deleting any that didn’t come up to our high standards (Mehreen’s stance is that there’s loads of them out there so if they don’t meet our exacting standards ... get rid of them! ... I love her ... she’s so fab!) ... I think that left 3 or 4 out of about 50 and Mehreen made me email those left there and then.  She was taking no prisoners and wasn’t taking the risk of me backing out.
The results:
Guy  No 1
He seemed quite nice (although he does live in Wales ... and he did look a bit like my brother ... ewwwwww).  We exchanged a couple of emails and he seemed quite normal, so I sent him my number ... he didn’t ring.  I wasn’t too bothered about that cos I wasn’t too sure about the ‘Welsh’ bit anyway ... think it may be the accent?
Guy No 2
After a few emails backwards and forwards, it turns out he was Swedish and about 12 (that’s a slight exaggeration and I can’t exactly remember his nationality, but I’m sure it was somewhere that way ... and he was blonde, so Swedish works for me) ... so that wasn’t gonna work.
Guy No  3
Looked quite promising ... lives in Birkdale (nice little seaside village not too far from me) and he had a fairly decent job.  We exchanged a couple of emails ... he was quite funny actually ... I like that.  He asked me if I was free to meet him for coffee one mid week morning.  He knew that I worked for myself and said that he thought I’d be free.  I told him that I’m working for a client in Manchester at the moment and wasn’t working from home, but coffee sounded like a good idea and did he have any suggestions.  He replied saying that he was happy to wait until I was working from home again (that, incidentally, could be a long, long time) as he thought it was better to meet in the day for coffee just in case he turned out to be a mad axe murderer????? WTF?!
Now, I don’t know about you but that practically screams ‘MARRIED’ to me!  So that’ll be a big fat no  go.
Guy No 4
Is currently working in Botswana or somewhere like that and doesn’t return for another month.  So you’ll have to watch this space on that one ... I hate to be negative here, but I’m not holding my breath!

As I’m writing this, I thought I’d have a little look at the dating site in box to see if there’s anything interesting worth sharing ... this is just one sample of the type of ‘sh*te’ I get:
Genuine gent looking to meet a nice genuine loyal,caring lady for romance and endless love.x
Im an old-fashioned gent where I respect my lady and like to be the true gent always .x
Do you think he thinks he’s a gent?  Dear me ... shame I can’t show you the pic ... he says he’s 45 ... he’s 55 if a day, has a mop of silver hair, a full on moustache and is fat ... really FAT!
Here’s another:
hi ,how ru.hope ur doing well.i have seen ur profile and i do fancy chat wt u,xx
He does fancy a chat with me does he! Lmao  And since when did having “black” hair look exactly the same as grey!
Honestly, it’s a wonder that anyone bothers with this stuff.  One thing I have noticed is that there are an awful lot of bald men out there.  Not that I’m baldest or anything, but it really doesn’t do it for me.  Bald men look kind of odd naked (not that I’ve seen a bald naked guy ... obviously!), but, well, there’s something not that appealing in it ... humph.  Sorry to any baldies out there!
Anyway, that’ll have to be it for now ... I’m a bit short of time today.
Plenty more to come ... I need to tell you about my trip to the psychic, my trip to Rome (that the psychic guessed) and my tale about another guy from the previous dating site I was on ... I think I’ve mentioned him before ... I’ll have to check.
Until then ... be fabulous, lovely people.

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