Saturday 16 July 2011

Psychic Predictions

I went to see a psychic last week.  I’ve seen her probably around 4 times over about 8 years, the last time being about 4 years ago.
I’m quite interested in this stuff as I’m an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Master Practitioner, which means I’m a qualified hypnotist too ... amongst my other talents!  I do the stuff that Paul McKenna now does (like curing phobias, managing weight loss, building confidence etc) and the likes of Derren Brown use, so it’s really easy for me to tell if someone is ‘cold reading’ you ie, they’re no more clairvoyant than my dog and are just very clever at reading your body language.  Most people are so desperate for answers that they feed these people the information that they need to present that same information back in a plausible manner.
Anyway, that all sounds a bit heavy.  The point I’m trying to make is that I can spot a fake a mile off ... I can also hypnotise you when you’re least expecting it and make you cluck like a chicken! (I’m joking with the last bit ... honest!).
The stuff this woman has come out with in the past has been totally uncanny and very, very true.  For example:
1.       She told me that I’d meet a guy called Cecil (I’ve changed the name here – but it was a really different name, not something like John or Andy) and that he’d ask me to go to Scotland with him in November ... I did, although it was the following November.
2.       She told me that I’d come in to freaky money ... money I didn’t know I had and that I wasn’t going to just ‘win’, the following March.  In the February, I was contacted by a previous company I was a senior manager with and they wanted to buy my shares off me ... a MAJOR lump sum, the deal was done in March.
3.       She said that an uncle of mine (and she gave his exact, rather unusual name ... not his shortened name) was in hospital having a triple heart bypass ... he was.
I could go on and on.  This woman is AMAZING!
Anyway, things have been going a bit weird for me lately, so I thought I’d make an appointment to see her.  I walked in ... she said ... “You’ve changed your job.  You’re a consultant now ... nice!”.  This woman hasn’t seen me for 4 years and she doesn’t know my surname nor does she know any of my friends or family nor what I did for a living.  All this was before we’d even started.
She handed over her crystal ball that you have to hold for a little while, then passed it back to her.  The first thing she said is ... “Who’s the little boy? ... No, You have a little boy” ... “Nope” ... “Well you will ... and soon ... really soon” ... Holy Mary Mother of God!  I didn’t see that one coming.  She was adamant that I’m having a little boy.  I told her it was gonna be the second coming ... the next immaculate conception, but she was having none of it.  “You are definitely having a boy in the next year or so”.  Blimey ... panic stricken doesn’t even cover it!
Then she said ... “Why have you got a nun hanging around you?  She’s always been around, but she’s really come to the fore in the last 2 weeks ... hang on ... there’s loads of them ... loads of nuns!  What on earth are you up to?  These nuns have only appeared in the last 2 weeks around you and they’re all really, really happy!  Hang on” she said, “the nun’s name is Margarite or Margarita”.  “Oh trust me”, thinks I, “Only I could have my own nun with the name of an alcoholic drink” ... Oh the irony of it.  “I’m going to Rome, two weeks on Saturday” says I, “and I booked it two weeks ago”.  She said that they were all extremely happy and would look after me while I’m there ... that’s nice, isn’t it.
Digressing a bit (just for a change ... I can hear you thinking ... and I’m not psychic!), the Rome trip came about because I was sitting in work and feeling a bit ... erm ... dunno what the word is ... I think I was still suffering from holiday blues.  Anyway, I mentioned to the girls that I wanted a break but wasn’t able to get away for more than a couple of days because of my workload.  They asked where I’d always wanted to go ... Rome!
So we looked at flights and hotels and then I had a wobble, but they insisted I book it ... so I did!  I’ve never been away entirely on my own before, but I’m reading ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ at the moment and if she can do it ... so can I.  I was a little concerned though when I was having dinner last night at an Italian restaurant with my friend Jo and the Maitre de warned me that I may come across some unwanted attention cos of my blonde hair ... hmmmmmm ... I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it .... eeeek!
It’ll be interesting if nothing else.  My dad thinks I’m gonna have an epiphany.  God love him.  Maybe I’ll have a visit from the Angel Gabrielle while I’m there and indeed, I am about to host the ‘second coming’! ... oh let’s stop there.  I know I’m Catholic, but come on!
My lovely psychic lady said quite a bit more ... but I haven’t got time to write more at the moment, so I’ll have to do another instalment tomorrow!
Until then ... be fabulous and bless you all!

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