Saturday 17 November 2012

Fun Size, Hotel Transylvania, Frankenweenie

Last few film reviews - Fun Size, Hotel Transylvania, Frankenweenie.

Let's dive straight in ... Fun Size is an American teenager orientated film (I usually avoid those like the plague ... I’m really not a fan of teenage ‘high jinx’ ... humbug ... but I was bored and I’d seen everything else apart for Love Bite) the premise is that a girl has to look after her brother and take him trick or treating on Halloween, she doesn’t want to, he goes missing, she has to find him before her mother comes home ... cue all kinds of funny escapades.  Yada, yada, yada, yawn.

Summary, great for teenagers, there are far better films out there to see for adults.

Hotel Transylvania I quite enjoyed.  It was a lot of fun and made me laugh – as kids films usually do.  I think these animated films are very clever ... there’s enough funny stuff in there for adults to enjoy too, either that or I’m still a big kid at heart!  Awwwww.  So Hotel Transylvania is Dracula’s lavish five-stake resort where monsters and their families go to holiday without being bothered by humans.  Dracula invites some of the world’s most famous monsters to the hotel to celebrate his daughter’s 118th birthday.  Trouble ensues when an unsuspecting human finds himself at the hotel and takes a shine to Mavis (Drac’s daughter).

It’s a lovely film and not too scary for kids ... I can’t imagine who wouldn’t enjoy this!

Lastly, Frankenweenie (I think this may have gone off cinemas now ... it has at my local cinema, but it’s worth a review anyway).  This, in case you’ve been living in a hole, is another Tim Burton offering and I guess the nearest think you can compare it to is Corpse Bride.  It had a very dark storyline and I wasn’t entirely sure if I had small kids, whether I’d want them to watch it.

The story is that a dog dies and his owner (a small boy) brings him back to life ... bits of him keep dropping off though which I found quite alarming (but then again, I’m a huge dog lover).  There weren’t many people in the theatre when I watched it, but two families with small kids did walk out ... and actually, I can’t blame them.  It’s in black and white too and the subject matter is a bit hard going.  Kids love a good story and nice bright colours, this although I did enjoy it, I couldn’t see how it would really appeal to kids when there are other fabulous films out there like Madagascar, Hotel Transylvania and Paranorman.

That’s me for another day.  Enjoy your weekend and I’ll see you soon.  Be fabulous!

Lots of love


Friday 16 November 2012

Breaking Dawn 2 - Review

Well, what can I say ... I LOVED IT!

As you’re probably guessing, I’ve seen the new Twilight film today and I’ve got to admit that it was the best yet.  Obviously you have to look past the unbelievably bad acting of Kirsten Stewart and Robert Pattinson (they are even more wooden than usual in this one and in parts look incredibly self conscious and embarrassed ... I was embarrassed watching them actually ... appalling - I’ll never understand how they landed those prime roles).  But that said, I thoroughly enjoyed it and the whole 1 hr 55 mins went really quickly.  Ridiculously quickly in fact!

So, the story (if you’ve not read the books ... if not, why not?  They’re so much better than the films!) starts as Bella wakes up after giving birth to Renesmee while she was still human and has now been turned into a vampire.  I have to be honest, that stuff was really interesting in the book, especially how Renesmee’s growth was described and how Bella came to terms with being a Vampire, but they kind of glossed over that, which was a bit disappointing.

Another Vampire spots the child and reports it to the Vulturi (Vampire children ie turning children into Vampires is a crime in the Vampire world and that’s what this woman assumes has been done).  The Vulturi then decided that they need to sort the problem out, however, what they actually want is Bella the one who sees the future – I’ve forgotten her name – to join their group, so set off to settle scores and bring those two into the fold.

What I will say is that there is a twist ... a BIG twist that isn’t in the book.  In fact, some Tween’s sitting behind me shouted, “That’s not in the book” followed by another shouting, “” which never goes down well with me.  I’m lucky in that I tend to go to the cinema during the day when it’s practically empty, however, as it’s the first day’s showing of the new film, there were more people in there than usual ... when I say ‘more people’ I mean Tweens, which are only ever surpassed by small children in the ‘intensely dislike in having to share a cinema with’.  I can’t bear it.  All that talking, giggling, shouting at the screen trying to impress friends, showing off, kicking the back of my chair (I actually grabbed the teenage kid’s foot that was sitting behind me when he stuck his foot through the gap between my chair and the next one, right next to my ear and literally growled at him! Oh dear, I really am an old grouch ... he stopped kicking me though!).

I think it was good that they did something different with the film though ... it shocked the hell out of me!  I’m not going to tell you what it is, obviously and hopefully I won’t have spoilt anything for you by even mentioning it.  But regardless, if you like the Twilight Saga, you definitely won’t be disappointed.  If you don’t like them, it’s still worth a watch ... if you don’t mind suffering incredibly poor acting!

Oh and if you're wondering how they show Renesmee's growth ... CGI ... bit weird really and not totally convincing!

Well, that’s it for now lovelies and I know I’ve posted it before, but just to whet your appetites, here’s the trailer. 


Until next time lovelies, enjoy the rest of your Friday and be fabulous.

Lots of love


Paranormal Activity 4 & Silent Hill: Revelation

Well lovelies, that day has come ... Breaking Dawn Two has been released and I'm off to see it this afternoon!  I was planning on seeing it last night ... let me tell you the quick story.  I knew that my local cinema was having a Twilight marathon session yesterday and as I wasn't particularly busy and am a bit of a fan, I decided to do it (for a while anyway as I was meeting my lovely friend, Justine, for tea but I thought I'd at least get to see one and a half films).  So I got ready, jumped into the car (well, not really a 'jump' ... I was wearing heels and it's hard to jump in a car wearing heels) and headed off.  Got to the car park and low and behold, no spaces!  Denied!  Of course I could have parked somewhere else and walked, God forbid, but I don't really walk anywhere (apart from at the gym on the treadmill) unless I can help it, so drove home - and started watching a fabulous series I haven't seen before, Alcatraz!  Anyway, that's another story ...

There was a showing of the new film at 12.05 am this morning and I did comtemplate it on the way home from meeting Justine about 10.00 pm, I thought I'd probably be able to catch Part 1 and then watch Part 2, but when I visualised my lovely comfy bed waiting for me, that put paid to that idea!  So today is the day.  They have showings literally every half hour, so it shouldn't be too hard to get in.  I'll obviously let you know my thoughts when I've seen it.  Can't wait!  Wooohooooo!

So for today, I've reviewed Paranormal Activity 4 and Silent Hill (I did write one for Sinister then realised that I'd posted one for that a couple of weeks ago ... duh!).

I was looking forward to all these films.  As you know, I LOVE horror films and each of the trailers for these 3 all looked really good.  So let’s start with Silent Hill: Revelation.

I was looking forward to this one the most.  The first Silent Hill is one of my absolutely favourite horrors of all time and I can watch it again and again and again.  I think I identify with it because some of those scenes and creatures are very close to what it’s like living in my head! Lol

This however, was really disappointing.  Although a lot of the same characters were there and it had the capacity to be really scary, somehow, it just missed the mark completely.  It was really predictable and had none of the suspense of the first ... actually, now I come to think of it, it was absolutely the suspense that was missing.

The story ... the young girl from the first film has found her way back to her father in ‘the real world’ but they are continually on the run because there are people who are trying to take her back to Silent Hill.  When her father goes missing, she sets out trying to find him and ends up back ... yep, you guessed it, in Silent Hill.  That’s it really.  Not much else to say!  Here’s the trailer, but I warn you, the best bits are in the trailer and if you haven’t seen the first one, I seriously urge you to ... it’s head and shoulders above this one... which was a Revelation (see what I did there!?)


Next Paranormal Activity 4 ... I’m not going to say much about this.  If you’ve seen the others, you’ll know what to expect ie not very much and a few short scares along the way.  Very low budget with very few scares.  I do think these films are better seen at the cinema though.  I saw the first two at home and missed the scares because my attention had wandered and you really need to be watching the screen, without distractions, at all times not to miss the jumpy bits!


Right lovelies, that’s me for another day ... a few more reviews tomorrow and we’re up to date.  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love


Thursday 15 November 2012

Argo, Taken 2, Here Comes the Boom!

Today, reviews for Argo, Taken 2 and Here Comes the Boom.

Argo is another really brilliant film that I saw on Monday, Argo.  I wasn’t sure that I’d enjoy this one as it’s set in the late 1970’s and is based on the Iranian hostage crisis (which I actually remember a happening) so I really didn’t think it would be something I’d enjoy.  However, the reviews I read where really good.  I mean REALLY good, so I thought, “Why not”.

Well, I’m glad I did.  It was really good, very enjoyable and rather gripping actually.  The story, during the Iranian revolution in 1979, 6 American Embassy employees manage to escape and hide out at the home of the Canadian Ambassador.  Knowing it’s only a matter of time before the 6 are found out and likely to be killed, a CIA infiltration specialist comes up with a risky plan to get them safely out of the country.

It was excellent.  Full of twists and turns and kept you guessing right to the very end.  Highly entertaining and well worth a watch.  Here’s the trailer ...


Next, let’s look at Taken 2.  I was really looking forward to that film.  The trailers had been everywhere and made it look really good.  I loved the first film, it was one of those films you just kind of stubble on and turns about to be amazing (I love it when that happens).  Not so for this rather lame sequel though.  Don’t get me wrong, I still really love Liam Neeson and I actually felt really sad for him that the screenplay for this film was so bad.

What’s it about? Well you know how his daughter was kidnapped in the first film and he went on a killing spree, attacking all her kidnappers and killing as many as possible?  Well, their families now want revenge and come after him, his ex-wife and their daughter (she doesn’t have much luck does she?) on a trip to Istanbul (like you would holiday there after everything that went on before ... go figure!).

I can’t say that much action ensued.  It was really rather boring, lacked story and lacked action (not good for an action film!).  Definitely one for the ‘never watch again’ pile ... hence no trailer!

Next, let’s do ‘Here Comes the Boom’.  This was a weird one because considering how many times I go to the cinema, I’d never seen any trailers for this one ... not a one!  Which is rather sad because I think it was a really funny film that many people won’t see because they don’t know about it!

Basically, it’s a bit of a ‘boys’ film with some rather basic humour and quite a bit of cheese, but I still enjoyed it and laughed out loud quite a bit.  Kevin James plays a former college wrestler, Scott Voss, who is now an overweight, bored biology teacher in a failing high school.  When cut backs threaten the music department, laying off their teacher (Henry ‘The Fonze’ Winkler), Voss begins to raise money by taking part in mixed martial art fighting.  Salma Hayek plays the love interest.  It is rather schmaltzy, but enjoyable all the same.  Here’s the trailer, because you won’t see it anywhere else unless you Google/YouTube it!


Right lovelies, that’s it for now, more tomorrow.  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love


Wednesday 14 November 2012

Skyfall and Love Bites Reviews

Well lovelies, it’s been a while and I must apologies for my absence.  I’ve had a lot of ‘stuff’ going on and only ever want to be in the very best frame of mind when I’m writing for you guys, because I only ever want oodles of positivity to flow your way (apart from when I’m writing about dodgy dates that is!).

That said, I haven’t got a lot to tell you about ... no wild parties, no wild nights out, no ‘Champagne Saturday’ and most of all, no dating to report on! I told you it was getting a bit heavy and negative so I knocked it on the head for a while.  No doubt I’ll have another go at some point, but with everything else I have going on, I can’t stand the drama!

So what the hell have I been up to?  Films.  Lots and lots of films!  In the last few weeks, here are some of the films I’ve seen:

Skyfall (I can’t say that without doing my impression of Adele when I say it ... I can’t sing, and it’s not pretty ... but it makes me laugh!)

Taken 2 (crap)

Argo (brilliant)

Fun Size (shockingly crap)

Here Comes the Boom (quite funny/entertaining ... good ‘boys’ film)

Hotel Transylvania (nice)

Paranormal Activity 4 (crap)

Silent Hill: Revelation 3D (doubly double crap)

Sinister (crap)

Frankenweenie (OK)

Love Bite (I can’t find the words!)


I really should get a life!

So in the next couple of posts, I’ll give you a run down of my favs and those I wasn’t so impressed with.  They’re all still on in the cinemas (just about), so are worth a review albeit a brief one for some of them.

So let’s start with Skyfall.  I have to be honest, for a film fan you’re not going to believe this, but this was my first ever Bond film ... honest!  I’ve never seen one.  Of course I’ve seen bits – my dad and bother used to watch them when they came on the TV on Bank Holidays, but as I could never stand my brother (and still can’t) I couldn’t bear to watch them.  So no matter how many times people have told me how wonderful they are, I just couldn’t bring myself to watch them.  I’m the same with Westerns too ... my brother loves them, so anything he loves, I hate!  Sad, I know, but we don’t all live in Kansas, Dorothy.

Right, so, the film ... I never really thought much of Daniel Craig before, I can’t really recall seeing him in that much and when he’s interviewed, I’ve never noticed too much of a personality, but I have to admit, I thought he was excellent.  As I haven’t seen his previous Bond films (I have now!) there were a couple of bits in the film that were lost on me (I’m going to watch it again this week to see if it makes a difference) but on the whole, it was one of the best films I’ve seen this year ... and I’ve seen a lot!

In this film, Bond’s loyalty to M is tested as her past comes back to haunt her ... a big way (love Dame Judy ... she’s worth the entrance fee on her own!).  M16 comes under attack and 007 must track down the threat, no matter what the personal cost.  That threat is a baddy in the shape of Javier Bardem as you’ve never seen him before (or any Bond Baddie for that matter).  It was such a surprise, not just the blonde hair but ... well; I’m not going to tell you in case you haven’t seen it.  All I will say is that Javier played a creepy baddie to perfection (makes me shudder thinking about it!).

One thing that really made me laugh about Javier was a tweet I saw from David Walliams.  He said that when Javier strokes Bond’s leg in the film, it was like him and Simon (Cowell) when they’re together! Pmsl

The chases and special effects, as you would expect where amazing, but what sets it apart from other similar types of films I’ve seen lately, is that there’s actually a brilliant story all the way through.  They don’t just rely on magnificent ‘chase’ scenes to carry the film.  It was fantastic.  Go see it.  Even if you’re not into spy films (like I was) you’ll love it.

When I came home, I watched Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace ... both excellent ... really excellent – and they did fill in those gaps.  I haven’t watched any of the other Bond movies (I tried Dr No, but got a bit bored ... and it wasn’t just because it was a 60’s film ... I already own tonnes of 60’s films and love them ... I think it just took me back to those rainy bank holidays!) I also think that I won’t like the other Bonds as much ... how could they live up to Daniel (not even Sean Connery whom I love!)

OK, now let’s go from one end of the spectrum, to the other.  From the best to the worst.  This afternoon, I was really bored.  I’d seen almost every film that’s out at the moment (not Madagascar ... nope ... not doing that one) but everything else bar a little Brit film, Love Bite.  It had really mixed reviews and as I’ve said before, I tend not to watch Brit flicks as they’re generally rubbish.  Well, this was the worst film I’ve seen this year.

I should have known it would be really bad when the guy who was serving me said, “Are you sure?!” and gave me a funny look.  I said, “That bad?”  His reply, “Yup”.  So it ended up with just me in the cinema on my own.  That happens quite frequently when you go to the cinema on a week day ... it’s quite nice actually, like a private showing, however, the downside is that I’m frightened of the dark!

Back to the film, basically it was about a bunch of sex crazed kids (virgins) being chased by a warewolf who could was quite partial to eating the odd virgin.  It was jam packed full of teeage inuendo and pranks ... yawn/cringe.  There’s not really much to say about the plot other than it involved a warewolf hunter and ended (I don’t care, I’m gonna give you the ending) with a profile shot of two warewolves having sex.  Oh dear *shakes head, shudders and shrugs shoulders* 

That’s an hour and a half of my life I’ll never get back!  Right lovelies, that’s me for today, I need to eat.  See you tomorrow when I’ll review Argo, Ben Affleck’s new film (which was brilliant!).  Until then, be fabulous.

Lots of love
