Thursday 15 November 2012

Argo, Taken 2, Here Comes the Boom!

Today, reviews for Argo, Taken 2 and Here Comes the Boom.

Argo is another really brilliant film that I saw on Monday, Argo.  I wasn’t sure that I’d enjoy this one as it’s set in the late 1970’s and is based on the Iranian hostage crisis (which I actually remember a happening) so I really didn’t think it would be something I’d enjoy.  However, the reviews I read where really good.  I mean REALLY good, so I thought, “Why not”.

Well, I’m glad I did.  It was really good, very enjoyable and rather gripping actually.  The story, during the Iranian revolution in 1979, 6 American Embassy employees manage to escape and hide out at the home of the Canadian Ambassador.  Knowing it’s only a matter of time before the 6 are found out and likely to be killed, a CIA infiltration specialist comes up with a risky plan to get them safely out of the country.

It was excellent.  Full of twists and turns and kept you guessing right to the very end.  Highly entertaining and well worth a watch.  Here’s the trailer ...


Next, let’s look at Taken 2.  I was really looking forward to that film.  The trailers had been everywhere and made it look really good.  I loved the first film, it was one of those films you just kind of stubble on and turns about to be amazing (I love it when that happens).  Not so for this rather lame sequel though.  Don’t get me wrong, I still really love Liam Neeson and I actually felt really sad for him that the screenplay for this film was so bad.

What’s it about? Well you know how his daughter was kidnapped in the first film and he went on a killing spree, attacking all her kidnappers and killing as many as possible?  Well, their families now want revenge and come after him, his ex-wife and their daughter (she doesn’t have much luck does she?) on a trip to Istanbul (like you would holiday there after everything that went on before ... go figure!).

I can’t say that much action ensued.  It was really rather boring, lacked story and lacked action (not good for an action film!).  Definitely one for the ‘never watch again’ pile ... hence no trailer!

Next, let’s do ‘Here Comes the Boom’.  This was a weird one because considering how many times I go to the cinema, I’d never seen any trailers for this one ... not a one!  Which is rather sad because I think it was a really funny film that many people won’t see because they don’t know about it!

Basically, it’s a bit of a ‘boys’ film with some rather basic humour and quite a bit of cheese, but I still enjoyed it and laughed out loud quite a bit.  Kevin James plays a former college wrestler, Scott Voss, who is now an overweight, bored biology teacher in a failing high school.  When cut backs threaten the music department, laying off their teacher (Henry ‘The Fonze’ Winkler), Voss begins to raise money by taking part in mixed martial art fighting.  Salma Hayek plays the love interest.  It is rather schmaltzy, but enjoyable all the same.  Here’s the trailer, because you won’t see it anywhere else unless you Google/YouTube it!


Right lovelies, that’s it for now, more tomorrow.  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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