Friday 16 November 2012

Breaking Dawn 2 - Review

Well, what can I say ... I LOVED IT!

As you’re probably guessing, I’ve seen the new Twilight film today and I’ve got to admit that it was the best yet.  Obviously you have to look past the unbelievably bad acting of Kirsten Stewart and Robert Pattinson (they are even more wooden than usual in this one and in parts look incredibly self conscious and embarrassed ... I was embarrassed watching them actually ... appalling - I’ll never understand how they landed those prime roles).  But that said, I thoroughly enjoyed it and the whole 1 hr 55 mins went really quickly.  Ridiculously quickly in fact!

So, the story (if you’ve not read the books ... if not, why not?  They’re so much better than the films!) starts as Bella wakes up after giving birth to Renesmee while she was still human and has now been turned into a vampire.  I have to be honest, that stuff was really interesting in the book, especially how Renesmee’s growth was described and how Bella came to terms with being a Vampire, but they kind of glossed over that, which was a bit disappointing.

Another Vampire spots the child and reports it to the Vulturi (Vampire children ie turning children into Vampires is a crime in the Vampire world and that’s what this woman assumes has been done).  The Vulturi then decided that they need to sort the problem out, however, what they actually want is Bella the one who sees the future – I’ve forgotten her name – to join their group, so set off to settle scores and bring those two into the fold.

What I will say is that there is a twist ... a BIG twist that isn’t in the book.  In fact, some Tween’s sitting behind me shouted, “That’s not in the book” followed by another shouting, “” which never goes down well with me.  I’m lucky in that I tend to go to the cinema during the day when it’s practically empty, however, as it’s the first day’s showing of the new film, there were more people in there than usual ... when I say ‘more people’ I mean Tweens, which are only ever surpassed by small children in the ‘intensely dislike in having to share a cinema with’.  I can’t bear it.  All that talking, giggling, shouting at the screen trying to impress friends, showing off, kicking the back of my chair (I actually grabbed the teenage kid’s foot that was sitting behind me when he stuck his foot through the gap between my chair and the next one, right next to my ear and literally growled at him! Oh dear, I really am an old grouch ... he stopped kicking me though!).

I think it was good that they did something different with the film though ... it shocked the hell out of me!  I’m not going to tell you what it is, obviously and hopefully I won’t have spoilt anything for you by even mentioning it.  But regardless, if you like the Twilight Saga, you definitely won’t be disappointed.  If you don’t like them, it’s still worth a watch ... if you don’t mind suffering incredibly poor acting!

Oh and if you're wondering how they show Renesmee's growth ... CGI ... bit weird really and not totally convincing!

Well, that’s it for now lovelies and I know I’ve posted it before, but just to whet your appetites, here’s the trailer. 


Until next time lovelies, enjoy the rest of your Friday and be fabulous.

Lots of love


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