Wednesday 14 November 2012

Skyfall and Love Bites Reviews

Well lovelies, it’s been a while and I must apologies for my absence.  I’ve had a lot of ‘stuff’ going on and only ever want to be in the very best frame of mind when I’m writing for you guys, because I only ever want oodles of positivity to flow your way (apart from when I’m writing about dodgy dates that is!).

That said, I haven’t got a lot to tell you about ... no wild parties, no wild nights out, no ‘Champagne Saturday’ and most of all, no dating to report on! I told you it was getting a bit heavy and negative so I knocked it on the head for a while.  No doubt I’ll have another go at some point, but with everything else I have going on, I can’t stand the drama!

So what the hell have I been up to?  Films.  Lots and lots of films!  In the last few weeks, here are some of the films I’ve seen:

Skyfall (I can’t say that without doing my impression of Adele when I say it ... I can’t sing, and it’s not pretty ... but it makes me laugh!)

Taken 2 (crap)

Argo (brilliant)

Fun Size (shockingly crap)

Here Comes the Boom (quite funny/entertaining ... good ‘boys’ film)

Hotel Transylvania (nice)

Paranormal Activity 4 (crap)

Silent Hill: Revelation 3D (doubly double crap)

Sinister (crap)

Frankenweenie (OK)

Love Bite (I can’t find the words!)


I really should get a life!

So in the next couple of posts, I’ll give you a run down of my favs and those I wasn’t so impressed with.  They’re all still on in the cinemas (just about), so are worth a review albeit a brief one for some of them.

So let’s start with Skyfall.  I have to be honest, for a film fan you’re not going to believe this, but this was my first ever Bond film ... honest!  I’ve never seen one.  Of course I’ve seen bits – my dad and bother used to watch them when they came on the TV on Bank Holidays, but as I could never stand my brother (and still can’t) I couldn’t bear to watch them.  So no matter how many times people have told me how wonderful they are, I just couldn’t bring myself to watch them.  I’m the same with Westerns too ... my brother loves them, so anything he loves, I hate!  Sad, I know, but we don’t all live in Kansas, Dorothy.

Right, so, the film ... I never really thought much of Daniel Craig before, I can’t really recall seeing him in that much and when he’s interviewed, I’ve never noticed too much of a personality, but I have to admit, I thought he was excellent.  As I haven’t seen his previous Bond films (I have now!) there were a couple of bits in the film that were lost on me (I’m going to watch it again this week to see if it makes a difference) but on the whole, it was one of the best films I’ve seen this year ... and I’ve seen a lot!

In this film, Bond’s loyalty to M is tested as her past comes back to haunt her ... a big way (love Dame Judy ... she’s worth the entrance fee on her own!).  M16 comes under attack and 007 must track down the threat, no matter what the personal cost.  That threat is a baddy in the shape of Javier Bardem as you’ve never seen him before (or any Bond Baddie for that matter).  It was such a surprise, not just the blonde hair but ... well; I’m not going to tell you in case you haven’t seen it.  All I will say is that Javier played a creepy baddie to perfection (makes me shudder thinking about it!).

One thing that really made me laugh about Javier was a tweet I saw from David Walliams.  He said that when Javier strokes Bond’s leg in the film, it was like him and Simon (Cowell) when they’re together! Pmsl

The chases and special effects, as you would expect where amazing, but what sets it apart from other similar types of films I’ve seen lately, is that there’s actually a brilliant story all the way through.  They don’t just rely on magnificent ‘chase’ scenes to carry the film.  It was fantastic.  Go see it.  Even if you’re not into spy films (like I was) you’ll love it.

When I came home, I watched Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace ... both excellent ... really excellent – and they did fill in those gaps.  I haven’t watched any of the other Bond movies (I tried Dr No, but got a bit bored ... and it wasn’t just because it was a 60’s film ... I already own tonnes of 60’s films and love them ... I think it just took me back to those rainy bank holidays!) I also think that I won’t like the other Bonds as much ... how could they live up to Daniel (not even Sean Connery whom I love!)

OK, now let’s go from one end of the spectrum, to the other.  From the best to the worst.  This afternoon, I was really bored.  I’d seen almost every film that’s out at the moment (not Madagascar ... nope ... not doing that one) but everything else bar a little Brit film, Love Bite.  It had really mixed reviews and as I’ve said before, I tend not to watch Brit flicks as they’re generally rubbish.  Well, this was the worst film I’ve seen this year.

I should have known it would be really bad when the guy who was serving me said, “Are you sure?!” and gave me a funny look.  I said, “That bad?”  His reply, “Yup”.  So it ended up with just me in the cinema on my own.  That happens quite frequently when you go to the cinema on a week day ... it’s quite nice actually, like a private showing, however, the downside is that I’m frightened of the dark!

Back to the film, basically it was about a bunch of sex crazed kids (virgins) being chased by a warewolf who could was quite partial to eating the odd virgin.  It was jam packed full of teeage inuendo and pranks ... yawn/cringe.  There’s not really much to say about the plot other than it involved a warewolf hunter and ended (I don’t care, I’m gonna give you the ending) with a profile shot of two warewolves having sex.  Oh dear *shakes head, shudders and shrugs shoulders* 

That’s an hour and a half of my life I’ll never get back!  Right lovelies, that’s me for today, I need to eat.  See you tomorrow when I’ll review Argo, Ben Affleck’s new film (which was brilliant!).  Until then, be fabulous.

Lots of love


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