Friday 16 November 2012

Paranormal Activity 4 & Silent Hill: Revelation

Well lovelies, that day has come ... Breaking Dawn Two has been released and I'm off to see it this afternoon!  I was planning on seeing it last night ... let me tell you the quick story.  I knew that my local cinema was having a Twilight marathon session yesterday and as I wasn't particularly busy and am a bit of a fan, I decided to do it (for a while anyway as I was meeting my lovely friend, Justine, for tea but I thought I'd at least get to see one and a half films).  So I got ready, jumped into the car (well, not really a 'jump' ... I was wearing heels and it's hard to jump in a car wearing heels) and headed off.  Got to the car park and low and behold, no spaces!  Denied!  Of course I could have parked somewhere else and walked, God forbid, but I don't really walk anywhere (apart from at the gym on the treadmill) unless I can help it, so drove home - and started watching a fabulous series I haven't seen before, Alcatraz!  Anyway, that's another story ...

There was a showing of the new film at 12.05 am this morning and I did comtemplate it on the way home from meeting Justine about 10.00 pm, I thought I'd probably be able to catch Part 1 and then watch Part 2, but when I visualised my lovely comfy bed waiting for me, that put paid to that idea!  So today is the day.  They have showings literally every half hour, so it shouldn't be too hard to get in.  I'll obviously let you know my thoughts when I've seen it.  Can't wait!  Wooohooooo!

So for today, I've reviewed Paranormal Activity 4 and Silent Hill (I did write one for Sinister then realised that I'd posted one for that a couple of weeks ago ... duh!).

I was looking forward to all these films.  As you know, I LOVE horror films and each of the trailers for these 3 all looked really good.  So let’s start with Silent Hill: Revelation.

I was looking forward to this one the most.  The first Silent Hill is one of my absolutely favourite horrors of all time and I can watch it again and again and again.  I think I identify with it because some of those scenes and creatures are very close to what it’s like living in my head! Lol

This however, was really disappointing.  Although a lot of the same characters were there and it had the capacity to be really scary, somehow, it just missed the mark completely.  It was really predictable and had none of the suspense of the first ... actually, now I come to think of it, it was absolutely the suspense that was missing.

The story ... the young girl from the first film has found her way back to her father in ‘the real world’ but they are continually on the run because there are people who are trying to take her back to Silent Hill.  When her father goes missing, she sets out trying to find him and ends up back ... yep, you guessed it, in Silent Hill.  That’s it really.  Not much else to say!  Here’s the trailer, but I warn you, the best bits are in the trailer and if you haven’t seen the first one, I seriously urge you to ... it’s head and shoulders above this one... which was a Revelation (see what I did there!?)


Next Paranormal Activity 4 ... I’m not going to say much about this.  If you’ve seen the others, you’ll know what to expect ie not very much and a few short scares along the way.  Very low budget with very few scares.  I do think these films are better seen at the cinema though.  I saw the first two at home and missed the scares because my attention had wandered and you really need to be watching the screen, without distractions, at all times not to miss the jumpy bits!


Right lovelies, that’s me for another day ... a few more reviews tomorrow and we’re up to date.  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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