Sunday 10 March 2013

Mama, Stoker, Broken City

Well lovelies, I had quite an exciting week last week (for a change) and I’ll give you an update on that later.  I’m just aware that lots of my friends are off to the cinema this weekend, so I thought I’d give a quick update on some of the films I’ve seen lately.

Mama *** (3 Stars)

I had high hopes for this film as the trailers looked really good and I’m sure it had links to Guillermo Del Torro who made Pan’s Labyrinth (which is one of my all time favourite films).  Mama (according to the blurb) is a supernatural thriller that tells the haunting tale of two little girls who disappeared after their father killed their mother and drove their car off a cliff (nice!).  After the father drags the kids through the woods where they find an abandoned cabin, but there’s something very sinister in that cabin!  Their father’s brother (that’ll be their uncle then) never gives up hope of finding them and hires detectives who eventually locate the cabin and the kids.

As you would imagine the children are severely disturbed but are released into the care of their uncle and his Goth type girlfriend.  That’s when the fun starts in earnest ... the girls had been looked after in the cabin by a sinister force that came with them to their new home....

Well, toward the beginning of this film, I actually really quite enjoyed it.  It was a bit scary/jumpy and as I hadn’t really read the reviews, I didn’t know what it was about.  However, it did descend into silliness quite quickly.  At one point, Mamma disappeared into the floor and you could only see her hair trailing across the hall floor – that was actually quite hysterical and everyone in the cinema was laughing.  It actually looked like that used a long haired wig and dragged it across the floor on wires; unfortunately it totally broke the suspense that had been building.

Also, towards the end of the film (and don’t worry, I’m not giving anything away here) you actually saw the face of ‘Mama’ (it had been obscured until that point) and it looked like one of the ghosts from Disney’s Christmas Carol!  So funny ... again, completely broke the mood.

So would I recommend it?  Well, if you’re not looking for something too intense and are not expecting too much from it, then yes, I’d recommend it.  Without the silly bits, it would probably have been a 4 and it actually had the potential to be a 5!  Here’s the trailer:


Stoker – **** (4 Stars)

Well this was a complete surprise for me.  I hadn’t seen any trailers so I had no clue what it was about.  Within the first 20 minutes or so of the film, I did think about leaving because it was a bit too arty with very little substance, but I’m glad I didn’t as it got immeasurably better!

The story: After a girl’s dad dies in an auto accident, her Uncle, who she never knew existed, comes to live with her and her emotionally unstable mother (Nicole Kidman).  Soon after his arrival, she comes to suspect this mysterious charming man has ulterior motives and witnesses him carrying out some rather heinous acts.  However, instead of feeling outrage or horror towards him, she becomes increasingly infatuated with him.

This was a really good film, I think partly because I didn’t know anything about it and it unfolded in ways I absolutely didn’t see coming.  Go and see this one (especially if you like more arty type films).  I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.  Here’s the trailer...

Broken City * (1 Star)

Well, I went to see this against my better judgement (as Russell Crowe has a leading role in it and as you know if you read my posts regularly, he should have given up acting after Gladiator) and I wasn’t shocked that it was appalling.

The story: When disgraced cop turned private detective (Mark Wahlberg) is hired by NYC’s mayor to tail his wife (Catherine Zeta-Jones) , he uncovers a city wide conspiracy of corruption, sex and murder (I didn’t write that bit, that makes it sound interesting).  With his life threatened, the detective finds himself faced with an impossible choice which could have disastrous repercussions for his career and family.

If I’m honest, I pinched most of that from Flixster as I really could think how to explain the total load of rubbish I watched.  I don’t even know why I stayed until the end (I guess I’m ever the optimist and hoped it would get better ... it didn’t!).  Anyway, just in case you’re interested, here’s the trailer...

I still want to see Hansel & Gretal, Oz the Great and Powerful and Side Effects – I’m not sure if I can fit 3 in in one day, so I may need to be selective based on start times!  I’ll let you know about those and give you an update on my escapades last week, as soon as I can.  Until then, enjoy your Sunday!

Lots of love


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