Saturday 30 March 2013

Champagne Saturday & Cosmos

Well the last few weeks have started to be a bit more eventful, which is always good, especially for logging purposes.  A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to a Birthday party for a company I know who had just reached their first Birthday.  Now, normally I wouldn’t be too enthused about a business ‘party’, however, this was a business party with a difference.  For a start, it was being held in an art gallery which is very forward thinking for Manchester.  Secondly, they had cocktails and gorgeous, yummy finger food and there were giving party goers the opportunity to learn how the make cocktails!  Job done.

I took my lovely friend Nisha with me and we had thoroughly lovely time.  The highlight of the evening was, not the yummy cocktails and fabulous foodage (it was all ‘bite size fish and chips’ and ‘bite size toad in the hole’ ... you get the picture) but it was the fact that we learnt how to make Cosmopolitans!  My favourite cocktail (that doesn’t involved bubbly stuff that is) and the best bit was that they are incredibly easy to make ... who knew! 

And as I’m the caring/sharing sort, I thought I’d share the recipe with you:

  • The juice of half a fresh lime
  • Two shots of vodka
  • Two shots of cranberry and raspberry juice
  • Pour over ice in a cocktail maker, shake violently and pour ... voila!

Yum, yum, yum  ... that tasted just like liquid sherbet.  So that’s my new speciality.  Of course, it will never replace bubbles, but it comes a damn close second.  So all in all a jolly little time was had.

The following Saturday was ‘Champagne Saturday’ with the lovely Justine.  It’s actually been a year since the last one (can you believe that?  A whole year) and it was thoroughly enjoyable.  In case you aren’t aware, Champagne Saturday consists of Justine and me grabbing ourselves a seat at the Cocktail Bar in Harvey Nichols (Manchester) on a Saturday afternoon, drinking champagne and generally having a good girlie gossip and catch up, followed by having some yummy food somewhere equally as fabulous.  For my American readers, for Harvey Nichols think Neiman Marcus and you’re on the right track.

We had a thoroughly lovely day and we actually didn’t seem to drink as much as usual, or at least my hangover the next day wasn’t as bad as usual!  I’m happy to say that for a change, nothing untoward happened, so there really isn’t any gossip to share (I think I must be getting boring in my old age – either that or I’m learning to dodge the drama).

Right lovelies, that’s it for another day.  Enjoy your Easter Sunday and be fabulous!

Lots of love


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