Sunday 10 March 2013

Hansel & Gretel, Oz the Great

Well lovelies, I did a quick double yesterday and took in Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters and Oz the Great and Powerful and have to admit that I thoroughly enjoyed both of them.

Hansel & Gretel **** (4 Stars)

The story is based (as you would imagine) on the story of Hansel and Gretel when they are all grown up.  The story is pretty basic in that it’s 15 years after the initial incident (they show all that too) and follows the pair as they cross the country seeking and killing witches.

If you like Van Helsing, you’ll love this.  It’s the same mix of seemingly old ie set somewhere in Europe in the 1800s and the use of 20th century fire arms.  There’s also a bit of weird mix of accents (I favour the English accent for these types of films, it just seems to fit, but they decided to go with American for the main characters ... mistake in my book).  There was also quite a bit of gratuitous swearing that just didn’t seem to fit and an odd humour that ran though it which made the film seem a little confused about what it was trying to be.

That said, I really enjoyed it, as did the two teenagers sitting behind me who laughed all the way through it, which actually was really rather amusing and made me giggle to.  There’s also a really lovable Troll in the film, which was the source of most of my co-watchers’ amusement.

What’s right with it?

The cinematography, the sets, costumes and make up are amazing.  The witches are suitably witchy and really rather fabulous and the story had a few unexpected twists.

What’s wrong with it?

The American accents, the swearing and some of the really rather poor script writing.

All in all, I really enjoyed it and would probably see it again!  Here’s the trailer:


Oz the Great and Powerful **** (4 Stars)

This was another good film (although I did fall asleep for about 10 minutes, 20 minutes in to the film ... I’m so tired lately!) and really aimed at quite a younger market.  If you liked Alice in Wonderland, you’ll love this; it’s exactly the same genre and looks like it was shot in the same country (I know it's all CGI, but you know what I mean).

The story is a prequel to the original - the Wizard is a small time circus magician with dubious ethics, he tries to flee the circus (due to having to make a quick exit) in a hot air balloon, gets sucked into a giant twister and is hurled away from Kansas to the vibrant Land of Oz where he meets three witches, Theodora, Evanora and Glinda (the good witch ... remember her? Awwwwww).  Putting his magical arts to use through illusion, Oscar transforms himself into the great and powerful Wizard.  We also find out why one of the witches turns from being a white witch to a dark one ... heads up, the reason for it involves a man!

What’s right with it?

Good story, fabulous sets and CGI ... I actually loved the bit about the good witch turning bad ... kind of resonated! Mila Kunis was absolutely brilliant in it too as Teodora/Wicked Witch of the West - I'm liking her more and more with each film I see her in.

What’s wrong with it?

It's a bit too long ... oh and it’s very child friendly ... which wouldn’t be a bad thing if I was a kid!

Although I really enjoyed it, I probably wouldn’t bother watching it again.  Some films you’re happy to (like Hansel and Gretel) others you wouldn’t want to lose another 2 hours of your life for ... this was one of those - however I'm sure your kids would watch it over and over.  Here’s the trailer:

I saw the trailer of the new Star Trek film today ... it looks amazing.  Here’s a bonus trailer of that too (boy do I spoil you!)...


Right lovelies, that’s me for another day.  Until next time, have a wonderful week and be fabulous.

Lots of love


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