Wednesday 24 July 2013

Mr Tall-Butt-Boring

This was quite an unusual one ...  I actually went on a date with this one.  He seemed really nice and according to his profile he was 6’4” with a pleasant face, had his own business and was around the same age as me (I don’t know why I’m saying ‘was’ I assume he’s still all of those things, it was only a few weeks ago!).  We chatted on the phone (always a good start when they actually want to speak to you instead of texting) and he seemed really nice (although he was Welsh, but he couldn’t help that so I overlooked it! Ha ha) so we agreed to meet one Sunday night.

Over that weekend, I got some nice texts from him saying how he was looking forward to meeting me.  When the night came, luckily it was the first of those nice early summer days so he being a gentleman said that he wanted to meet somewhere near me (he lived about 40 miles away).  I thought that was a good start and we met at another little country pub (there’s a theme here!).

When I turned up, he was already waiting for me in the car park (that was a good start as I’m always the first anywhere because of my ‘issue’ with lateness, so someone there before me is always a good thing).  I couldn’t miss him either … he was rather huge ... I actually think he was taller that he stated in his profile, so it looks like the same thing (lying about one’s height) occurs at both ends of the scale!  However, that didn’t bother me as I was able to wear my highest, super high, fantabulous Kurt Geiger wedges (the type you have to be careful how you walk in them … one small wobble on an unnoticed pebble and it’s all over!  I actually broke my elbow once doing that ... that’s a whole other story). 

We trotted (well I trotted, he made large strides with me trying hopelessly to keep up with his ridiculously long legs) in to the pub and he dutifully bought the drinks.  I thought things were looking up considerably.  The next two hours (yes two hours, that’s a long time for me for a first date, usually I can’t get away quick enough!) went incredibly slowly.  We discussed his failing business at length and I mean EVERYTHING about his failing business, from beginning to end including the entire run down of the figures (I thought he was going to bring out his P&L account ... well I guess it beats, “come and see my etchings!”) he told me about his stroppy daughter and what a handful she is (she sounded a complete fright) all about his bitch of an ex-wife and how impossible his situation was and now I think about it, not one thing about me.  In fact, the whole ‘date’ if you can call it that, was more like a life-coaching session … I told my friend afterwards that I actually felt like putting an invoice in for my time at the end!

After that, he texted me telling me what a wonderful night he had had and how he couldn’t wait to see him again and how fabulous he thought I was (which is hysterical really considering he didn’t ask me one thing about me) … I’m not surprised actually, not because I think I’m all those things, but I used so much positive reinforcement with him that he couldn’t have helped but feel better … however, he took that as attraction!  I really must learn to stop that, men tend to get the wrong idea all the time when I’m only trying to help them!  After a few days of his texting, I dropped him a line to say that he was a nice guy but not the guy for me.

His reply was (and he was deadly serious), “I knew I shouldn’t have worn jeans!” He shouldn’t have worn jeans!  God bless him, he didn’t realise that the endless conversation about his woes put me off; he thought it was because he was wearing jeans.  Talk about no emotional intelligence!  I replied saying that it was nothing to do with his jeans and gave him a little bit of constructive feedback; well I just couldn’t help myself.  I told him to ask something about your date, don’t monopolise the conversation, don’t talk about your stroppy kid or your mental ex-wife!  But then that provoked a self-loathing text from him where he said that he was giving up dating that he wasn’t cut out for it, that his life was a disaster, that he may never love again … *groan* …. DELETE … NEXT! 

Awwwww you’ve gotta laugh!  Tomorrow, I’ll tell you about Mr Deep South … bet you can’t wait! Ha ha ha.  Until then my lovelies, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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