Monday 23 December 2013

Lovely Room, Thai Massage & Swollen Fingers

Well I've been here a few days now and have thoroughly slipped into island life.  I really can't imagine being anywhere else (not least in the cold and freezing whether back home … sorry guys!).  The weather here is fabulous, not too hot, slightly cooler than the Caribbean so no sweaty neck whilst you'e trying to eat dinner, with a constant but gentle breeze and as there are so many exotic smelling trees all around (the smell of fresh Jasmine is amazing), perfume just seems to float on the breeze.  I love it!

I've got to be honest, I haven't done much exploring yet … what I have done is a whole load of sleeping.  I actually can't believe how much sleeping I've been doing - although I do wake up at night - I seem to get getting at least 12 hours with another couple on the beach!

I'm happy to say that I moved hotels and tonight is my second night.  Here are some pics … soooooooo much nicer!  Ahhhhhhhhh I'm feeling far less stressed and much more in control now that have have a spotlessly clean room, bathroom and kitchen …. I don't know myself!  And in case you're thinking that I must have paid loads more to have an apartment, it is £2 per night more than the last 'shitty' hotel!  

The main bedroom - the door on the right is the kitchen, the left is the bathroom

The view from my window

The Beach

The pool

Today's lunch!

The pool is also beautiful here and it's right on the beach … the only downside is that there is a large group of Russians here who's kids are VERY noisy, but they don't bother with me and aren't around all the time.

I've been eating most of my meals in the same place … the first hotel I was in.  I was wrong about the food, it really is very good, I can't fault it.  I'm not a fan of Thai food in England and I now know why … it's because they don't/can't use fresh herbs … it makes such a difference … I’m a convert.  The Thai green curry here is to die for, as is the Pad Tai noodles - now I see why the restaurant (not the hotel) has such a fabulous reputation - people come from miles to eat here and it's now only a 5 minutes walk from where I'm staying.

Yesterday, I also had my first massage while I've been here, it was fabulous and it hurt like hell!  How those little Thai ladies have such strong hands I'll never know - I think I may be a bit bruised tomorrow - I also struggled to figure out what parts of her body she was using, I know elbows were in there, but I swear I felt a foot!  

When she'd finished, one of the other ladies translated for her and said that I was very tense and needed a lot of work to iron out the lumps - no shit Sherlock - so now I've found somewhere I like and it only costs £5 for nearly 2 hours, it's worth going back daily.  After all, the whole point of coming here was to look after myself and have a good chill/pamper!

Right lovelies, sorry there's nothing too controversial today, but I'm thinking that's a good thing!  Until next time, be fabulous!

Lots of love


PS nearly forgot to say, I've had some humdinger bites - they've come up the size of duck eggs and when they go down, they leave a nasty bruise ... here's a couple of the one I had on my finger ... ouch! (Although I'm happy to announce that it's gone down loads since those pics were taken!)

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