Wednesday 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas & Sore Buttocks!

Firstly, Merry Christmas to all my fabulous readers.  I've had well over 14,000 hits now, so for those of you who've stuck with me and encouraged me, I thank you … there'd be no point doing this if there was no-one reading it, so a mahoosive THANK YOU!

Well as I'm writing this it's 9.10 (it'll be later then I finish!) on Christmas Day and I have to say I think it's the best Christmas Day I've ever had … actually that's quite sad considering I'm on my own … sad but true!

I've spent the day on the beach reading and topping up the tan, had a very lovely lunch of tempura prawns and chicken satay, some more time on the beach, then time for a quick shower and a 2 hour Thai massage.  I'm now sitting at a beach side restaurant having a meal full of starters (starters are the best part of the meal so I like to just have more of them and don't bother with the main) and a couple of strawberry daiquiris … pure bliss.

Yep, all 3 dishes were for me!!!!!! (Feel a bit sick now!)

I've got to tell you about my massage - I had one a couple of days ago, that was a back and neck message and although it was really good, it did hurt like hell.  This time, as it's  Christmas and because I really have been suffering from back pain since I got here, I decided to treat myself to a full on Thai massage .  

Well it all started off very sedately and I began to think, "I really don't know what all the fuss is about here, this is all a bit butterfly like…. Humph"  How wrong way I … she lulled me into a false sense of security.  I have never know a women (let along a very slender 4' 10 woman) have such strong hands … elbows … knees … and feet … yes that's right feet!

I've had little Thai feet in places I didn't think that feet should ever go … in fact, I swear to God that woman saw more of me during that massage than previous boyfriends have.  At one point she was kneeling on my buttocks with her knees digging in to my glutes … now I'm quite boney and don't have much padding in that area … and I nearly shot through the roof!

Next minute, she stands up, puts her foot on my coccyx grabs hold of my ankles and pulls my feet up.  And she wasn’t finished there …. She then proceeds to kneel down, grab my wrists and pull my top half off the bed doing a full yoga back bend!

At the end of the massage I ended up sitting up with her behind me, next minute I know she's pushing my head towards my knees …. Now usually that wouldn't be a problem (what with me doing yoga and all), but I've got a bad back … ouch!

All in all, although it hurt like hell whilst she was doing it (and I'm sure it'll be worse tomorrow) it was the best massage I've ever had … it must be, I'm going back for another the day after tomorrow and apparently because of my back problems she's put me with a masseuse that's just come back from Bangkok and is her 'best lady'.  The mind boggles … I'll let you know how I get on.

Right lovelies … enjoy your Christmas, have fun with and cherish your family and friends (and don't forget to check in on any single friends you may have - we can forget others when we're all wrapped up with our own family - your call could make all the difference).  Oh before I go, I move hotels tomorrow so that should be good!  Until next time, be fabulous!

Merry Christmas!

Lots of love


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