Tuesday 22 February 2011

Hi and Welcome!

Hi Everyone and Welcome!

This is my first foray into blogging, but I have such an unusual life, that I thought I'd like to share it with you all.  There's never a dull moment with me, so I'll be covering everything from dating (I'm single at the moment), friends (not family!), fashion, shopping and whatever else I feel like writing about!

To tell you a bit about me ... as I say, I'm single, not long turned the big 4-0 and have just started that whole internet dating malarkey!  Flaming nightmare ... more about that in later posts.  I like the nicer things in life ... far away holidays, designer clothes/shoes (bought in the sales, obv!), nice cars and good food ... however, I have to point out here that I'm very far from rich, I just work hard ... REALLY hard!  I'm a size 6/8 (but don't give me grief over that ladies ... I'm that weight cos I hardly eat... you can't have it all!).  I have a gym membership, but can never be bothered to drag my ass there and am totally in love with white wine (in particular, Champers or if I can't afford that, a bottle of bubble Hardy's goes down a treat! ... yay!).

So, tune in regularly and don't forget to let me know what you think!

Have fun ... and keep being gorgeous :-)

Lots of Love


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