Monday 28 February 2011

Happy Monday!

Hello and Happy Monday!

Of course I say Happy Monday, but I’m so far from perky today it’s unreal!

Nothing much to update you on with regard to the dating bit … apart from the fact that I’ve had pictures sent to me by a self confessed ‘attractive’ (read ‘fat’) doctor and a ‘good looking’ (read ‘fat’) Asian business man … whom my lovely Asian friend, Mehreen said looked like a gangster!  Nice.  I’m getting a bit bored with the whole internet dating thing.  The novelty’s worn off a bit, so I think I’ll give it rest for a while.

So, what of the weekend?  Well, put it this way, my kidneys are in dire need of a detox today … and I fell decidedly groggy plus I keep having mini dizzy spells!  It’s been a hectic, but fab weekend. 

Friday, I went out with one of my bestest friends, Viv.  We haven’t been out together on our own for ages, so we decided to do what we usually do ie go for a couple of drinks in our local town and then for a Chinese.  So far so good.

Well, in my wisdom, I decided that it’d be a good idea to have a couple of drinks before I went out (rather than go to the gym!) … never a good idea, especially as I’m rubbish at holding my drink!  So by the time Viv picked me up, I was well on the way to being … well … very happy!

We rocked up at a newly refurbished bar (as I’ve said in earlier posts, our town is definitely so far removed from cosmopolitan) … and I was pleasantly surprised, it was actually rather nice!  We ordered our LARGE glasses of white wine and took a seat.  Well, all I can say is that the vino went down a dream and rather quickly as we did what we do best … girlie gossip!

I hopped up to the bar (well, it was hardly a hop really as I was wearing 6” Kurt Geiger’s, so it was more of a shuffle!).  Whilst I was ordering the drinks, I asked to see the new menu … the barmaid went to the end of the bar, where there was a bit of a kerfuffle and looks from the staff … next minute, what I think was the owner came over with the menu, gabbed my hand and started kissing it!  (Very bloody odd for St Helens, let me tell you!) He escorted me back to our table and well, I really can’t tell you what he said to my friend about me, cos it’s a bit embarrassing!  He left us to it, but came back 5 minutes later, grabbed me and proceeded to drag me to look at the restaurant … all the time holding my hand!!  Usually, I’d have had something to say about someone who did that, especially as my poor friend was left sitting on her own … but I was too ‘happy’ or should I say, inebriated and shocked to say anything!  So I got the guided tour … and very nice it was too!  He then escorted me back to our table, making another few comments to my friend, who was laughing hysterically by this point!

Well, we finished our wine and as it was getting quite late, decided we needed food.  We stumbled out of the bar (I guess we could have eaten there, but it didn’t occur to us!) and started our 2 minute walk to the Chinese … in the rain … with me wearing said leopard print, pony skin 6” heels, oh, and no coat … nice!  Still it was only a couple of minutes walk.  However, we got there and it was closed!  Flamin’ nightmare!  So we had to back track to an Indian which was virtually next to the bar we’d just left!

Needless to say, we were both soaked.  Don’t really have much to say about the meal (mainly because I can’t really remember most of it).  I know it was yummy and I know that I dripped a little Chicken Tikka Masala down my brand new DVF white shirt (nice!).  That’s gonna be a bugger to get out!

There ended a lovely, happy evening.  The next day (Saturday) I had a nail appointment at 10.00 am … Ouch!  Made it though … the things we do for beauty!

Will tell you about Saturday night’s escapades tomorrow.

Until then … be fabulous!

Lots of love


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