Tuesday 22 February 2011

Internet Dating No 1

OK, so, as I said, I'm single and have been for a while (too flaming lazy to do anything about it!) and the lovely lady who does my waxing (ouch!), has been on and on at me to do some online dating... so I did, in about October last year.  Apparently a number of her clients had some real success with a particular site (which shall remain nameless (for now!).

Did you know that most of them let you join for free, but won't let you view any messages unless you pay up?!  Buggers.  Well, as I say, I joined in October, but didn't pay anything ... not cos I can't afford it, you understand, I just couldn't be bothered!  (A psychoanalyst would have a field day with that, I'm sure!)... Anyway, cut a long story short, my lovely waxist (is that even a word?), kept on at me (and you don't really wanna argue with someone who has hot wax near your lady bits), so about a month ago, I paid up and was able to view the 180 ... yep ... 180 messages I had.

Wow!  What a flamin' eye opener!  I had men ranging from about 25 to 75 (so they said, I think there were a couple nearer 90 myself!) and some of the oddest messages! ... none rude though :-)

Strange what people think about themselves ... weird how many men put that they are 'attractive' in their profile!  Who the hell told them that (Oh, excuse me, that'll be their mothers' won't it ... forgot that one).  And the lies ... there was this one bloke who must've ticked a box to say that he was 49, but in his profile said that he was really 59, but was an actor and got roles as a 49 year old (he'd had that much work done, it was nigh on impossible to guess what he really age was!  Could've been 79 for all I knew!). 

Well that's just for starters.  More tomorrow on the whittling down and what's happened with the one's I've swapped numbers with.  Oh ... and I have a date tomorrow ... that should be fun!

Speak soon.

Have fun.

Lots of love


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