Thursday 24 February 2011

Internet Dating No 3

Ok, so, last night’s date … if you can call it that.  Firstly, let me tell you a bit about the guy I thought I was meeting.  He had no photo on his profile, but described himself at 45, tall, dark etc.  I asked him to send me a photo, which he did (although he was quite far away in it … standing next to his Ferrari … but he did look attractive, even my friends agreed!).

Well, I rushed home (navigating some horrendous traffic), jumped in the shower, curled my hair, make up on … ah you know the drill and made it out of the door with 5 minutes to spare.  I walked into the bar where we’d agreed to meet (I must digress a little here … the town I live in is so far removed from anything remotely resembling cosmopolitan, that I haven’t visited any of its less than salubrious bars for a good 10 plus years.  On a Saturday night, the Star Wars bar looks positively normal in comparison!).  Anyway, back to the story … I scanned the rather large room, looking for the man who was in the picture (obviously!), couldn’t see him.  Walked the length of the long bar … couldn’t see him, then this rather ‘older’ man, with a tash, grey hair, aged (and not in a good way) brown leather jacket and … well, I couldn’t bear to look down, so couldn’t tell you what he was wearing on his lower half … the mind boggles!

No flaming wonder I couldn’t find him when I walked in … he was nothing (and I mean NOTHING) like his picture!  He kissed me on the cheek, but put both hands on my waist while he did it … ewwwwwwwww.  He then proceeded to ask me if I’d seen my texts … when I said no, he pointed to a youngish, bald guy wearing tracksuit bottoms and drinking a pint on his own.  He said that he’d texted me, giving the description of the bald guy as if it was him and was waiting to see what my reaction was!  Well I can tell you what my reaction was, I wish it had been him … he was about 30 years younger and considerably better looking!

So, to cut a long story short (you really don’t want to know how boring the conversation was), we left after 40 minutes, both going our separate ways.  I was home, feet up with a glass of bubbly vino within 10 minutes, continuing my marathon run of Season 2 The Mentalist (oooh I so love Simon Baker) … bliss. 

He’s sent me about 4 cryptic texts since then … the chattiest one being ‘u r gr8’!  Needless to say, I won’t be replying!

I’m out with my friend Jenny tonight for an Italian (meal I mean!).  Haven’t seen her for ages, so no doubt there’ll be loads to tell tomorrow.

Have a fab night :-0

Lots of love


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