Wednesday 23 February 2011

Internet Dating No 2

Now, let me tell you about a couple of other guys I’ve ‘met’ on this dating site (‘met’ is used very lightly as I haven’t actually come face to face with any of them yet!).

First of all, there was a guy from Newcastle.  Good enough, he called when he said he would and didn’t do endless texting.  After exchanging hello’s, I asked him how he was and he launched into how drunk he’d been the night before and how he’d been trying to get over it all day, nice!  He then proceeded to ask me a barrage of quick fire questions about what I wear, have I had my teeth whitened, do I wear designer clothes … it was like being interviewed (more like interrogated … I’m sure the Gestapo would have welcomed him with open arms!).  He said that the first thing he looks at on a girl is her eyes, then her teeth, then her shoes … “If she’s wearing crap shoes, she’s out!”  Un-flamin-believable!

The call ended (a bit abruptly, by me) saying I had an early start and he said he’d call that week.  The next day I sent him a Dear John … he sent a mail back saying that he thought we got on really well and had lots in common (yeah, that I’ve had my teeth whitened and I wear designer shoes!).

Next was a guy from the Midlands … don’t know where because we never got to speak.  After about 2 weeks worth of texting and him failing to call when he said he would … I abandoned all hope and didn’t reply to his last text, apologising for not ringing me.

Next was a guy from Preston … he texted for a few days and asked if we could be Facebook friends.  Facebook friends!!!!  What are we? 15? I replied that it wouldn’t be possible until I knew him at least a little bit … I did think he was probably trying to vet me before he bothered spending any time on me.  Well, whatever, that night, he rang.  We spoke for about 15 minutes … he seemed nice and said that he’d ring me later in the week to arrange a date.  I didn’t hear from him again that week, but he texted me twice the following week.  I replied to the first, couldn’t be bothered with the second.

What is it with men and texting????  Have I been out of the dating game so long that the rules have changed that much?  How the hell can you make a judgment about someone from a few random, oddly spelt words?

Next we had a guy from Shropshire … oh you’re going to love this one.  It’s worth pointing out first that according to his profile he was a millionaire.  He rang me from a landline and within the first couple of minutes asked me if I had a landline that he could call.  When I asked why, he said that it was expensive calling mobiles from a landline!  When I said that I didn’t give my landline out, he asked me to call him back! FFS! I nearly fell off the couch … so that was the end of him.  I wouldn’t even do that to my friends and I’m not a millionaire, or trying to get them to go out with me!

So that leads us to now and my date.  Oh, there are a couple of others that I’ve been chatting to, but nothing that’s worth noting here.  This is another strange one with the texts … he sends texts, but they are cryptic.  You know, one or two words that could mean anything.  I haven’t spoken to him, so tonight’s going to be a complete surprise for both of us …

I’ll let you know what happens!

Night night all.  Wish me luck!

Lots of Love


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