Tuesday 21 June 2011

What a Lovely Weekend!

Well, this weekend was fab!  Busy, but fab.  Friday, I chilled … as you do with a nice bottle of wine, obviously.  Saturday, I’d booked a massage (on the instruction of my Chiropractor and the advice of all the therapists I saw while I was on holiday) to ensure that the knots in my back don’t build up.  However, the best I can describe it as ‘lack lustre’, in fact, my neck was worse when I came out than when I went in.  Ho hum … we live and learn.

Saturday evening I went with my friends Vivien and Diane to Haydock Race Course to watch the racing (boring!) and Tom Jones (not boring!).  Luckily it was a lovely bright evening (although a bit cold later on) with no rain! Yay!  That’s such a bonus when you’re outside … I think I could have managed until about 7.00 pm had it been raining.

The best part of the evening (besides Sir Tom) was the people watching.  I don’t gamble, so sitting/standing with a large glass of vino in the Champagne bar watching the massive array of frocks was a sight to behold!  I love people watching at the best of times but it’s even better when there’s such a multitude of frocks, tans, eyelashes and big hair involved (and I’m not talking about me there … you cheeky buggers … I know what you were thinking!).  It was like something from The Only Way is Essex meets the Real Housewives of Orange County … not that I watch those programmes of course, but you can’t miss pictures of them in the papers!  I was amazed at some of the creations … totally amazed.  I have no clue where people even manage to buy some of the clothes that were on display ... even I was shocked!

As for Sir Tom … well, he’s always magnificent … even if you don’t like his music (I was pleased to hear that he did a lot of Blues numbers, although Diane was particularly put out at the lack of ‘Delilah’ type songs *J shakes head with disbelief*) you can’t deny that his voice is still amazing, and I’m pleased to say that I didn’t notice any inappropriate butt wobbling by him this time.  Probably cos we weren’t behind him … phew!

Sunday, was lovely.  Took my wonderful dad (our Gerry) out for Sunday lunch with it being father’s day, to a local pub that does freshly prepared food … not of that pre-packed rubbish … he loved his mixed grill and home made bread and butter pudding … I pushed the boat out and had sherry trifle for desert!  That evening I went to the pictures with my friend Paul to see (yum yum) Johnny Depp in ‘Pirates’.  Loved it!  I have no clue why it’s been slated.  I loved it … it’s well worth a watch if you haven’t seen it yet.

We went to the Cinema at the Odeon at Liverpool One and got tickets for the Premier Lounge.  It was something like one of those airport lounges that you pay £25 for (with large glass floor to ceiling windows, overlooking the city).  It cost £22 each (I believe that it’s cheaper in the week) and that included entrance to the film with extra large seats and extra leg room plus all the soft drinks, popcorn, tacos you could eat – oh, and Quality Street … can’t forget those!  The lounge also had a bar, so you could have alcohol too … I was driving though … but it was still all very lovely.

So all in all a very nice weekend was had.  I’ve not got much planned for this week, but I have joined another couple of dating sites, so I’m sure I’ll have plenty to tell you ….

Oh, well I might as well tell you a couple now … I’ve had an email from a slimey looking guy with a very dodgy facelift (proclaiming to be 57 … yeah right … if he’s 57 I’m 18) saying that he’ll pay £20K to a charity if I go to Paris with him! … Do women really fall for this s*ite?  And another asking what size my boobs are!  Hysterical!  You’ve gotta laugh and at least it’ll give me content for my blog to keep you guys amused.  So wish me luck … I’m gonna need it!

Until next time … have a wonderful week and be fabulous!

Lots of love


PS - Tune in tomorrow, I've got some more dating tales from this morning's activities ... unbelievable!

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