Wednesday 22 June 2011

Let the Craziness Begin!

My Second Foray into Internet Dating ...

OMG, you’re gonna love this.  I got a message on the dating website from a guy who I thought sounded really nice.  My lovely colleague, Mehreen, is forever pushing me to get on with dating (I definitely wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t for her constant erm … cajoling!) and when I told her about the message, she told me that I must send him a text. 

Unfortunately, there was no picture on his profile (I should learn to stop there … there’s always something odd about them when they don’t put on a photo … but me being ever the optimist ….), however, in his message he said that he’d send me a photo if I texted him, as he was in Spain and wasn’t able to email (again, ‘Live and Learn Jx, Live and Learn!’).  So I texted him thanking him for his message and asking for a photo.  Low and behold, I received a lovely picture exactly like the man he described himself to be on his profile, talk, dark and handsome (that almost never happens – usually they are a good 10 to 20 years older than they say they are, with dodgy looking facelifts or white hair and a huge handle bar moustache … I kid you not!).

Mehreen and I got a bit excited!  He asked me for a picture (although there are 3 on the dating website … now I’ve figured that he must have forgotten who I was, as he probably sends messages to every woman on the site), which I sent … he seemed to like it and asked where I lived … bla bla bla … so for a little while, Mehreen and I giggled (it was all very girly) and I had a little daydream about the possibilities! 

However, that wasn't to last very long.  As I tried to get on with my work with a nice little warm feeling inside, I heard my phone beep, it was a text, from him I guessed ... I jumped right on it, getting a bit excited at the thought that I actually might have met someone normal and attractive!  (I've got one of those new Iphone 4s so the text and any associated pictures appear straight on the screen) and there it was ... or should I say, there HE was in all his glory! He'd sent photo of himself half naked with a towel just about covering his jiggly bits.  OMG I nearly fell off my swivel chair!  What is it with these guys?  I couldn’t believe it!  I told Mehreen and asked whether she wanted to see it … well she wasn’t going to say no was she!  So we both had a little oggle and decided that he was a bit podgy and there were better bodies in the gym!  Surely if you were going to show off your body in that fashion, you’d make sure you had a proper six pack, not just try and suck your stomach in … FYI, sucking in your naked stomach not only looks very odd, it does NOT make you look slimmer and doesn't affect your love handles (if you have them) in anyway … they'll still be there!

I then got a text from him saying “Like?”  Well what the hell do you say to something like that! I decided not to reply … but went and had my eyebrows done at Harvey Nicks Urban Retreat as a pick me up.  Well I needed a treat after that shock!  It’s very weird what they do with your eyebrows (mine are very thin due to 80’s over plucking), first they dye them, then wax them, then pluck them then thread them!  They did look better after though, however, I did have an angry red mark between the two brows!
Anyway, I digress …. I got a further two text messages from ‘Mr I Love Me, Who Do you Love’ last night.  One was just and “X” and another 20 minutes later saying “Shall I delete your number x”.  I did think of a million different responses that I’d love to send, however, I thought “What would Mehreen tell me to do?” (she can be very sensible) and decided not to bother answering at all … that’s a major feat in itself … as you’re no doubt aware by now, I always have something to say!  I haven’t heard anything back from him … so I’m guessing he’s deleted my number!

Well that’s yesterday’s little bit of news … as I’ve said before, there’s never a quiet moment!  I joined another site last night, so let’s see what today brings.

Have a fabulous day, you lovely people.



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