Tuesday 14 June 2011

Wonderful St Lucia! Part 1

Wow, it’s been a while … how remise of me!

Truth is, I’ve had nothing exciting to report … I know, I know, not like me at all.  It’s been a depressingly quite couple of months … until I went on holiday … yay!  Two weeks at a luxury, all inclusive spa resort (with all the Champagne you can drink!) on the beautiful Caribbean island of St Lucia … what can I say?  Did I enjoy it … Hell yeah!

It was the most amazing place.  All inclusive included (as I’ve already said, but at the risk of repeating myself) champagne, a 50 minute spa treatment per day (facial, full body massage … you know the drill), all water sports (not that I tried any), sessions with a personal trainer (not the kind of training I was interested in … say no more), gym, aerobics, yoga, tai chi, tennis, golf etc etc.

So what did I do each day?  Have my spa treatment in the morning, and then sit on the beach for the rest of the day.  Why the hell would you want to do all the other stuff when you can sit on a beautiful beach and put a little red flag in the sand when you want a drink???? – Oh and before I forget, at 11.00 am and 3.00 pm (besides the drinks you could get all day long) they brought jugs of Pims and cold towels for those of use sweating it out on the beach … bliss … sheer bliss.

Did I do any exercise?  Well, if you count the 72 steps (yes I counted them) up to the spa that I had to endure each morning and the token swim I did each day (up to 20 strokes, at least!), oh and the exercise my elbow and hand got lifting the champers glass to my mouth … that was the sum total J

I’m quite proud of the fact that I was horizontal (and not in that way ‘tut’, filthy minds) that I had a numb bum at the end of the holiday.  People were quite shocked that I had no intention of exercising.  However, these were mainly people who do no exercise at home … they just come away and exercise for 2 weeks and then try and make me feel bad!

I met a real mix of people, as different people were coming and going all the time, mainly from the UK, Canada and the East Coast of America.  I met some really lovely and some really not so lovely people … it was a very eclectic mix. Luckily I met a couple of nice girls on the treacherous 1.5 hour journey from the airport to the resort.  I say treacherous as the road was long and windy, up into the hills, with large chunks of road completely missing down the ravines (due to the last round of hurricanes), it was scary in places I can tell you.  It didn’t take long to see why most people had opted for the 10 minute helicopter ride instead.

I’m not gonna name names here, but the two girls couldn’t have been more different, one was black, one was white … VERY white … so white that she couldn’t go out into the sun without factor 50, and then she burned! …. So, why would someone who fries like a goddamn vampire at high noon decide to come to a hot hot hot country?  Bizarre … I never really got an answer to that, but did get loads and loads of her whinging about how hot it was, how she couldn’t stand it, how she couldn’t walk over the courtyard to the loo without burning cos she hadn’t put her lotion on … bla bla bla … drove me freaking mad!!!!  I also got a whole week of her work problems … aaaarrrrrrrrrgh!  I thought I was going to kill her!

On the other hand, my new black friend was lovely, lovely, lovely … and I missed her so much when she left (both girls were only staying for a week).  So the night they both left, I had dinner on the communal table.  That was freaky … picture a table full 30/40 something business women, of course there were some lovely ones (I’ll get to them later), then there were the competitive ones … you know the sort, ‘Daddy this’, ‘Daddy that’ … ‘Daddy bought me a pony and a Maserati for my birthday’ … ‘I’m a lawyer’, ‘well I’m a judge’, ‘well I run Enron’ – ‘well you all look like you’ve got sticks up your asses’ thinks me … phew, exhausting … hated it and really wanted to go home.

However, I did strike up a friendship with Michelle and Chrissie who arrived around that time.  They were such lovely people and amazingly good fun.  Michelle is a fantastic listener and really helped me work a few things out (I always use my holidays to re-evaluate – it’s the only time I’m not like a headless chicken, hence my wish just to lie on a beach and do nothing for two weeks).  I can’t wait to see them again.  I’m sure we’ll keep in touch.

That’s one of the fab things about holidays; you meet so many interesting people.  Some nice, some not so nice … just it’s nice to keep in touch with the ones you get on with. 

Well that's it for now ... time waits for no woman and all that ... more tomorrow!

Have a good day :-)


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