Thursday 16 June 2011

Wonderful St Lucia - Part 3

Well, it’s taken over a week to get over the jet lag, although I think it was more about getting over lack of sleep.  I’m not good with little/no sleep.  I’ve made some rather large decisions - just need to get the action going– regarding work and play.  Will keep you informed.

The weekend was pretty uneventful.  I was supposed to be watching Pirates (Yum yum Johnny Depp with Paul, but he wasn’t well, Paul I mean, not Johnny!), so I did nothing Friday except drink a bottle of bubbles and finished reading the last Harry Potter – of course I’ve read it before, I just couldn’t remember any of it.  That’s one of the perks of having a rubbish memory, you can watch films and read books again and again and you’re still surprised at the ending!

Saturday was nails, toes (gold minx to be exact – if you’re not familiar with them, they’re like foil with glue on the back which you stick on your toes … very effective … Katy Perry, Beyonce and those types have them) and hair.  Feel much better now.  Almost back to normal.  Sunday was a write off.  I did mean to go to the gym and at least do some ironing, however, I seemed to get stuck by invisible glue (or it could be sticky, spilt/congealed wine from Friday) to my couch and didn’t move all day … tell a lie, I did pop to Asda for food, but you can’t count that. 

So that’s my holiday and first week back.  Looking forward to seeing Tom Jones this weekend … I gotta tell you a quick story before I go … I went to see Tom Jones years ago (can’t even remember where, but he was already getting on a bit).  He was on one of those centre stages, you know the ones where the audience is all round, well he had his back to us and wiggled his bum in a kind of geriatric jiggle … however, far after the song was over, his bum carried on wiggling … and not in a good way!  I’m scarred for life I tell ya!  Scarred for life!  Saturday should be fun though.  Apart from that, not much planned for this week … other than the gym … groan.

Oh and the sales are on and for the first time ever, I’ve decided to give em a miss!  Yes, you read right … I’m not doing the sales this year … and Selfridges sale is on and I’m working in Manchester City Centre!  How good am I?  Hmmmm we’ll see.

Hope you’re all having a good week J

Lots of love


PS Ooooo, I’ve just remembered another little bit from my hols.  There was a lady in my second week that did nothing but moan.  You know the type, it’s too hot, my arms are too big, men are b*stards, my life’s a mess; I’m too fat bla bla bla.  OMG … I try to be as positive as possible (sometimes I don’t find it easy, but it doesn’t stop me trying) and find it really hard to be around constantly negative people without their negativity rubbing off … so I try to avoid them like the plague!  This woman was like a flamin’ Dementor … if you sat with her for more than 5 minutes and you could feel all the hope and happiness draining from you – she just kinda sucked it out.  When I asked what she did for a living … counselling!  Could you imagine?  I wonder what her survival rate is.  Nightmare!  (FYI I think Michelle, who I mentioned in an earlier post) would probably disagree with me over this … she’s much nicer and far more tolerant than me :-)

PPS – Watch out for my holiday Top Tips!  Loads of people (honestly, loads!) have asked me to write them down – I’ve got a top tip for just about everything  :-) - so I will do.  I’ve half written it so I'll post the blog later in the week. 

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