Wednesday 15 June 2011

Wonderful St Lucia! Part 2

Welcome back, lovely people to Part 2 of my holiday memoires (doesn't that sound posh! lmao)

... I also got on extremely well with the resort staff.  There were a lot of ex-pats working there and as I’d become part of the furniture, I got invited to the Sunset cruise on a large Catamaran, the Friday before I left on the Sunday.  That was a howl!  We left port about 5.00 pm … then straight on the rum punch (NB that’s the only time I varied from champers or the odd glass of vino at dinner) and wow, did it pack a punch.  Three of them and I was well away, dancing to ‘Cent, 5 Cent, 10 Cent, Dollar’!!! (If you’ve ever been to the Caribbean and done a boat trip, you’ll know that song … and the steps/movements to it) haven’t laughed so much in years and my hips still aren’t right from all that gyrating!  It was a fab night … I enjoyed myself so much.  Then we went back to the hotel and had Champers and B-B-Q then a boogie – what a wonderful night!

So literally, that was my holiday … sun, spa, more sun, reading, more sun, dip in the sea, Pims, reading, sun, sun, dip in the sea, reading, more Pims, sun … tea (which included tiny sandwiches with the crusts cut off and 2/3 glasses of champers) reading, shower, more champers, dinner with champers/vino, more champers, dancing, champers, bed. Phew … it was full on as you can see!  Oh and I did read six books … not all chick lit some a little more demanding … I’m very cultured on the quiet … NOT!

So after a most wonderful, relaxing holiday (it took the full two weeks of daily massages plus two extra, specialist Indian massages – the guy, Hari, hit all the pressure points and used his elbows on suborn knots … now that was painful – to get all the knots out.  I’ve been advised to makes some changes to my lifestyle as apparently, it shouldn’t take that much work!) I had the trip home, which I can only describe as a bleedin’ nightmare!

I got up at 7.00 am (I hadn’t packed and my case was being picked up at 9.00 thanks to Virgin’s ‘check in and chill’ – dunno about that cos I then had 3 hours to kill with no gear!).  Had my massage at 9.00 am, then had brekkie, met one of the managers for a drink at 11.00 and was picked up at 12.30 for the 1.5 hour journey back to the airport … why oh why I didn’t get the helicopter?

Spent 3 hours at the airport, boarded plane (thinking I was very happy cos there was no one next to me and I could lie down, with it being a night flight), then the people behind me emerged … with an 18 month old child!  Great.  Who the hell takes an 18 month old child on a 9 hour night flight????  Who eh? Who?  Flamin’ selfish idiots that’s who … and if that’s you … I make no apologies … you should be shot at dawn!  That child screamed from the moment we took off to the moment we landed.  I didn’t get even 10 minutes of sleep and I was ready to kill someone!!

We got off the plane at 5.30 am (time delay of 5 hours between St Lucia and home) and my night flight to Manchester was at 10.30 am … a whole 5 hours of sitting around at Gatwick.  Did I try to change my flight?  You’re damn right I did … couldn’t do it.  So I just had to sit it out … whilst getting more and more antsy.  I didn’t dare to sit near people who were talking cos I wanted to bite their heads off!  I was so stressed.  I can laugh about it now, but it wasn’t funny at the time.  I remember listening to some big fat broad (read common … sorry!) northern woman warbling on in pigeon English to an elderly Italian lady, boasting about where she’d travelled in the world … I slipped away quietly before the voices in my head could act!

Finally, I boarded the plane and landed promptly at 12.30, to be picked up and swiftly taken home by my friend Paul.  Huge, mahoosive thanks to Paul.  When I got home, I showered, put some washing in (the washing machine died … nice!) and my dad came round for a visit.  It was about 6.00 pm before I got some sleep, well over 24 hours without sleep does not make Jo a very happy girl.

That's it for now folks ... be fabulous!

Lots of love


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