Tuesday 17 July 2012

Magic Mike Review - A Must See!

Well, oh my goodness ... I’m virtually speechless after watching ‘Magic Mike’ yesterday!  Ladies, if you haven’t seen it ... it’s a must see.  I have to admit; I went not really expecting it to be that good.  I thought it might be a bit seedy, with lots of gratuitous crotch shots of chunky, rippling muscled gorgeous men in thongs (and actually, there was plenty of that) but it wasn’t really seedy and actually had quite an entertaining story to it.  Not only that, it was absolutely hilarious at some points, with very (erm how can I put it nicely?) cheeky, but oh so funny willy shots!

It was massively entertaining.  The men were rather yummy (especially Joe Manganiello ... hello!) and I have to say that I really went cos I wanted to see the gorgeous Matthew McConnaughey in a thong (I think he’s yummy and always ends up half naked in any film he’s in) but for me he wasn’t the star of this show (he was really overacting at points and more than a little bit irritating).  It was ‘Magic Mike’ played expertly by Channing Tatum (I haven’t really noticed him before) who was absolutely amazing.  I found myself quite mesmerised and rather transfixed by his dancing and thrusting technique.  I actually came over quite unnecessary a couple of times! Lol

In summary, it’s very funny, a bit sad and hugely entertaining ... although I have to say that I can’t really see that many men finding it entertaining.  I would imagine that most men would find all that girating, male nakedness and crotch thrusting a little uncomfortable (although it may give them some ideas!).  Anyway, ladies you’d be mad to miss it (I loved it so much that I'm definitely going again).  Here’s 3 of the best trailers I could find to give you an idea of what you're in for if you go and see it (boy do I spoil you sometimes!)...

Right, I’m really busy lovelies, so this is a quickie ... I just didn’t want to leave it to give you the lowdown on ‘Magic Mike’.  Go and see it ... you won’t regret it.  Until next time, be fabulous.

Lots of love


Monday 16 July 2012

Work Hard/Play Hard

Well what a mad week last week it was action packed (well, in so far as I was out of the house for most of it!) and it was followed by an equally busy but fabulous weekend.

I was pretty much all over the North West for different meetings most of last week.  Beside having meetings on two nights, on Thursday I had a networking meeting at 8.00 am in Liverpool (I left the house at 7.00 am) then went to Cheshire, then Manchester, then Warrington and ended up at another networking meeting a 7-9 pm ... I was shattered!

However, it was all good last week and it was followed by a fab weekend.  On Friday, I met up with my love friend Liz who’s recently had a beautiful baby boy whom I haven’t met before.  We had so much to catch up on as Liz used to work for me and we know a lot of the same people and because I’ve been networking so much since I left, I’ve heard all sorts of news about people we used to work with ... some good and some bad (I’m referring to the people here, not the news!).  I managed to sneak a bit of a cuddle with her new little man who is totally gorgeous, a little star.  I was actually quite jealous (in a nice way), but totally happy to hand him back!

Saturday, I met my mate Ronnie in Liverpool for a catch up ... I bought I fab new pair of jeans whilst I was there ... well it would be rude not to!  See what you think...

Yum Yum my new Karen Millen Jeans

Saturday night I went out for dinner with another friend of mine who has recently come back into my life (I had dinner with her last Friday too) and her lovely friends.  I know I keep saying it, but it really is weird how many people are coming back into my life and how many wonderful new people I’ve met this year.  I really do now believe that you have to remove what’s not working in your life (ie the nasty friends I had hanging around for far too long) to make way for something more positive.  My main New Year’s resolution (apart from making more money) this year was to bring more like minded, happy, focussed, positive people into my life ... and that’s happened in bucket loads!

We went to a lovely restaurant in Stockton Heath for dinner.  It’s a rather lovely (fully of money) little village in Cheshire (a far cry from the crappy town I live in, it has to be said).  However, I don’t really do the whole bar scene (which we did after the meal) anymore ... haven’t done it for years actually, and I have to say that I haven’t missed it.  I’d forgotten how much of a cattle market it is out there ... even more so because I was driving so was completely sober.

I’ve never been married and don’t have kids and although I’ve had long term relationships, I’ve never really had someone telling me I can’t do anything or had to stay in because of babysitters etc, so I’ve partied pretty hard for much of my life, I’ve never been deprived when it comes to going out and having fun, consequently it does nothing (or very little anyway) for me now.  One thing I do really hate is that when men say (and it is usually men) that they ‘work hard, play hard’ I really bloody hate that.  What they really mean is “We’re on a work’s night out and my wife has let me out of her sight which means I can get as drunk as possible ... I work hard, play hard I do”  Sheesh ... Most of these guys don’t know the meaning of those words.  Usually they have to beg for permission to go out so take full advantage of being let out yet all of a sudden, they ‘work hard play hard’!

OK ... I had a bit of a rant there didn’t I?   Ah well, it is a major pet hate of mine.  Sunday, I pretty much collapsed.  Although I hadn’t been drinking the night before, I really did feel exhausted.  Must have been all the running around and ‘partying’ I’ve been doing.

Right lovelies, that’s me for today ... I haven’t been to the movies for ages, so by way of research for you guys, I’m off to watch half naked men in thongs (including Matthew McConaughey, yum!).   I’ll do you a full report tomorrow.  Until then have a wonderful night and be fabulous.

Lots of love


Thursday 12 July 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey – Update

Well, my goodness me, you really can’t get away from the ‘Fifty Shades’ epidemic that’s going on at the moment can you?  Almost every chat, panel or discussion show has touched on the mummy porn phenomenon that is ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’.

I’ve managed to catch snippets of day time TV over the last couple of weeks and almost every show I’ve seen has mentioned, had a debate or a phone in about it.  It really has taken the world by storm.  Pretty much all the women I know have read it now or want to read it.  Those who haven’t yet read it either don’t have time, are worried about having the book around when they have children who may pick it up or they share their Kindle with their children!

Then there’s the film.  According to the Guardian (yes, the Guardian are even talking about it), the production time behind ‘The Social Network’ are to bring the best selling story to the big screen.  However the big debate is around who should play the erotic Mr Grey in the film.  Current contenders are:

·         Michael Fassbender (can’t say I know who he is ... I think he was in Prometheus)

·         Alex Pettyfor (he’s a bit yummy, but I can’t recall seeing him in anything)

·         Ian Somerhalder (again, don’t ask me!)

·         Robert Pattinson (nah ... too wooden ... not in a good way)

·         Ryan Gosling (hmmmm not sure)

·         Kellan Lutz (a bit too ‘all American sports pro’ for this role)

·         Chris Hemsworth (now you’re talking!)

·         Ryan Phillippe (he’s a big gorge too!)

Everyone of my friends has a different view of who should play the part.  Who do you think?  Leave a comment below if you want to share.  Yesterday, I saw that one paper had done a ‘mock’ up a bit like a photfit (you know, the type of thing the police use when they are trying to piece together a picture of someone).  Apparently they entered different attributes of 12 different men into the e-fit software and it threw out a rather disturbing looking picture (I’d copy it here, but it’s probably copywrited).   Here’s some of the facial features they used and from whom:

·         Patrick Dempsey’s eyes

·         Brad Pitt’s jaw

·         David Beckham’s face shape

·         Val Kilmer’s lips

Here’s the link to the article that I read if you want to see the picture for yourself: Daily Mail - Mr Grey E-fit

As for who’s going to play the female lead ... don’t know don’t care! lol

I know a few people who’ve made a big deal about how badly written the book is and how it’s absolute trash.  I’ve a few things to say about that ... it never professed to be Shakespeare and yes, it’s not particularly well written, the sex scenes get a bit predictable (so much so that I have to confess that by half way through the second book I was skipping through them ... like I said in my previous post about these books, there’s only so many times you can read, “her breath hitched” before it gets a bit tiresome) however, it has got millions of people who wouldn’t usually read, reading.  That has to be a good thing.

They’re now also saying that a ‘Fifty Shades Baby Boom’ is due as a result of people feeling frisky as a result of reading the books.  How mad is that?  Another, rather disturbing thing I heard today was how awful it is that millions of people are now walking around with the same fantasies!  I prefer not to think about that one.  You shouldn’t really need a book for that, should you?

Anyway, with all the hype going on, I thought I’d better mention it ... what kind of a blogger would I be if I didn’t!  If I hear any more on the ‘Who’s playing Mr Grey’ front, I’ll keep you informed.  Until next time, have a wonderful day y’all and be fabulous!

Lots of love


Wednesday 11 July 2012

Disastrous Eyebrow Tattoos

I had to share this with you.  Remember around Christmas time, I spent nearly £700 not to mention the loss of two days pay (I work for myself so every day I don’t work, I don’t earn) and the diesel costs of travelling to Milton Keynes twice to have my eyebrows tattooed by leading eyebrow specialist, Nilam Patel?  Well all I can say that it’s the biggest waste of money I’ve ever spent.

I have spent on some stupid stuff in my life; however, I did think that by choosing the ‘leading’ eyebrow tattooist in the country I was pretty sure to have a great result.  Nope ... not even close.  A few weeks after I had my top up (I had my initial tattoo done in December – the top up was in January) I realised that it really hadn’t worked.  The tattoo was extremely pale and I still had to fill it in with pencil.  I was going to complain then as I was told to come back if they still weren’t right, but I’m not very good at that (like most Brits) and also, I really didn’t relish taking another day out to travel all the way down to Milton Keynes (it would mean another day out and more diesel costs).

However, I was talking to a couple of friends last week and they said that I should contact Nilam because it really wasn’t right that you spend so much and they look so poor.  I still ‘umed and ahhed’ but happened to bump into someone who does eyebrow tattoos a couple of days ago.  I wiped off the makeup I’d applied over my brows and showed this lady.  She said that it wasn’t right; they shouldn’t fade that much in six months and that I should ring Nilam and ask to have them looked at.

Armed with that knowledge and because I really was p*ssed off with the poor result, I rang her clinic yesterday.  I was told that the pigment doesn’t take on everyone and that was pointed out very clearly in the disclaimer that I’d signed!  “So, you’re not going to do anything about it after me spending nearly £700, two days off work and all the travel?” “No.  You just have that type of skin that doesn’t take to the pigments.  It was all stated very clearly in the disclaimer and the person you spoke to should have known that.  I’d question her ability if she didn’t tell you that could be the result and told you to contact us”

That was it.  End of conversation.  I was a bit shocked because I was told by Nilam that I should come back if I still wasn’t happy (OK that was 6 months ago, but mine haven’t faded, they haven’t been right from the get go!)  So ladies, if you’re thinking of forking out £700 don’t.  Do your homework and speak to people who’ve had it done by the person who is going to do yours.  There are some really good ones, also some really bad ones out there whether you pay a lot or a little.  I just assumed that I was going to the best in the country (who cultivated that title though?  You have to wonder).  Just do your homework and try and actually speak to people who’ve had it done.  Don’t just rely on pictures.

Now it may be that the person I spoke to is right, I may have ‘that type of skin’ I’ll let you know when I have them done again by someone else (once I’ve viewed their work for myself ie not in a picture!).  As for the adage, ‘You get what you pay for’ ... well I’m undecided on that now!

I just felt the need to share that one with you as it’s becoming more and more popular!  Right, busy day for me, whatever you’re doing, have fun and be fabulous!

Lots of love


Tuesday 10 July 2012

Tom & Katie's Divorce - New Kardashian Baby

Hello lovelies – sorry for the delay ... work has been getting in the way of my life again!  Hope you’ve all had a wonderful week and weekend.  Mine’s been a bit full on actually, very busy indeed.  But before I tell you about that, I must say a huge THANK YOU all my lovely readers ... I reached 5,000 hits yesterday.  That’s simply amazing and I’m really proud.  THANK YOU to you all for sticking with me.  I really appreciate it. I must be doing something right huh?
Yay ... 5000 hits ... THANK YOU!
Well, it would be really remise of me if I didn’t mention the whole Katie and Tom Cruise fiasco.  I’m kinda glad I left it until now, because there was new stuff coming out about it almost on an hour by hour basis during the last week.  So, in summary (in case you’ve been living in a cave – or you probably just don’t really care!):
·        Katie allegedly blindsided Tom when she issue divorce proceedings against him on  29 June
·        Allegedly Katie was worried that Suri (their daughter) would be indoctrinated into ‘Scientology’ the ‘religion’ (that’s a real loose use of the word – it’s not regarded as a religion in the UK) and the only way she could put a stop to it was to divorce Cruise
·        Katie moved with Suri to an apartment in New York – allegedly because the laws are different in the State of NY and she would be more likely to win full custody of Suri than she would if she lived and applied for the divorce in LA
·        Men in black SUV’s were allegedly seen monitoring Katie’s every move.  It’s been suggested that these people are Scientologists keeping an eye on her (there’s tonnes of info out there on Scientology if you Google it.  I’d love tell you more about what I’ve read, however, I don’t wish to bring the alleged ‘wrath’ of Scientology on my lil blog, so I’m definitely not touching it here ... but I really do think you should read up on it – it makes very interesting and rather disturbing reading)
·        Yesterday it was reported that Katie and Tom had come to an agreement regarding their settlement and Katie is thought to have gained sole custody of Suri with generous visitation rights for Tom.
·        Katie's lawyer Jonathan Wolfe said:
'This case has been settled and the agreement has been signed. We are thrilled for Katie and her family and are excited to watch as she embarks on the next chapter of her life.
'We thank Tom's counsel for their professionalism and diligence that helped bring about this speedy resolution.'
·        They also issued this joint statement:
'We are committed to working together as parents to accomplish what is in our daughter Suri’s best interests.
'We want to keep matters affecting our family private and express our respect for each other’s commitment to each of our respective beliefs and support each other’s roles as parents.'
·        A source told RadarOnline.com: 'Under terms of the settlement, Suri isn’t permitted to be exposed to anything Scientology-related, and this includes going to any Scientology churches, parties, etc.
'Katie made sure that this was ironclad in the agreement.'
Suri will also not be expected to attend a Scientology school, like Tom’s adopted children with ex-wife Nicole Kidman, Isabella, now 19, and Connor, 17, did.
So, there you have it!  Rather quick don’t you think?  I don’t think I’ve ever heard a divorce (especially a Hollywood one) being settled so quickly and amicably (I would really love to see what was going on behind closed doors ... read some stuff on Scientology and you’ll understand why I say that!).
In other non-related, useless Hollywood gossip, Kourtney Kardashian had a baby girl early on Sunday morning (LA time ... like I’m sure you care!).  Her and her long time partner/FiancĂ©, Scott Disick have named the baby ‘Penelope Scotland’.  Her sisters have tweeted that she’s ‘absolutely perfect’.  I like a bit of good news.
So what have I been up to? Never mind these Hollywood types!  Well on Friday night I met up with another long lost friend that I haven’t seen since I was in my early teens.  It’s amazing how many wonderful people have come back into my life this year.  Over the last couple of years I’ve done a bit of a ‘friend de-clutter’ and removed anyone from my life who was negative, unkind, self centered and general not very nice.  Since I’ve done that, I’ve reconnected with about 25 wonderful people who I’d lost contact with over the years and met some amazing new people who are all enriching my life in one way or another.  It’s been quite spectacular actually.  I really believe that if something isn’t working you have to remove it to make room for what you want and that’s exactly what I’ve done.  Friday night went by in a blur.  We met at 8 pm and it was 11 pm and we were being chucked out of the pub before we even realised it!  It was wonderful and we’re meeting again next Saturday night.  I’m really looking forward to it.
Saturday, I had my hair done in the morning and then headed off to see my wonderful friend, Michelle and her gorgeous two daughters.  We had a good old girlie afternoon/evening and chatted our way through 3 bottles of bubbles and when we finally looked at the time, it was 3.00 am!  Wow ... that’s a lot of talking and a lot of subjects covered.

That's not restaurant food ... Lovely Michelle cooked that!  Yum

Sunday, I’m sorry to say was a bit of a write off due to the over indulgence on bubbles the night before!  This week is a busy one work wise, but I’ve got a fully booked weekend, so will hopefully have more tales to tell you.
OK lovelies it’s that time again, I hope you have a wonderful week.  Be fabulous!
Lots of love

Monday 2 July 2012

Wham Reunite! (Well not really ...)

Oh my goodness, I had the funniest night on Friday.  I was invited by my wonderful friend Cath to go to a local ‘Stars in their Eyes’ event in aid of a local autistic charity.  Just to explain what was to happen, lots of local people dress up as their ‘pop’ heroes and sing their favourite songs (a bit like Karaoke with fancy dress).  All the money raised for the tickets and raffle etc all goes to the charity.  It’s just a bit of fun and not meant to be serious in any way.

Well all I can describe it as was hysterical!  I haven’t laughed so much in ages and because I was enjoying it so much I thought it would be criminal not to let you guys share in the fun too.  So, here’s a selection of the funniest videos.

Firstly, we have Wham!  (I don’t quite remember them looking like this in my day, and George Michael certainly seems to have put on a bit of weight and Andrew Ridgley is looking a little on the short side!) but it’s funny all the same ... Enjoy!

Next we had Jessie J. singing ‘Price Tag’ with a surprise appearance from a Rapper!  OMG ... it was so funny when he came out as it was totally unexpected!

Next (and the winner for the evening) was Tina Turner.  In the original ‘performance’ he came on to the stage wearing an Afro wig and trousers, dressed as Ike Turner and during the slow start to the song he sang as if he was Ike but when the music started to change, he whipped off his trousers to reveal a sparkly mini dress, he threw on a Tina Turner wig and in his metallic gold heels proceeded to do a full on Tina Turner dance whilst singing the song.   I have never laughed so much. 

In fact, I was enjoying it so much that I forgot to film it the first time round.  However, I did get some of it the second time round, when he sang it after winning (he was definitely the best act of the night ... by a long way and totally deserved to win).  See for yourself ... it’ll give you a giggle if nothing else...

Right lovelies, I’ve got other stuff to catch up with which I’ll do tomorrow.  I’ve got new film reviews plus we really have to discuss Katie and Tom Cruise’ split!  Until then, have a wonderful day and be fabulous.

Lots of love
