Monday 16 July 2012

Work Hard/Play Hard

Well what a mad week last week it was action packed (well, in so far as I was out of the house for most of it!) and it was followed by an equally busy but fabulous weekend.

I was pretty much all over the North West for different meetings most of last week.  Beside having meetings on two nights, on Thursday I had a networking meeting at 8.00 am in Liverpool (I left the house at 7.00 am) then went to Cheshire, then Manchester, then Warrington and ended up at another networking meeting a 7-9 pm ... I was shattered!

However, it was all good last week and it was followed by a fab weekend.  On Friday, I met up with my love friend Liz who’s recently had a beautiful baby boy whom I haven’t met before.  We had so much to catch up on as Liz used to work for me and we know a lot of the same people and because I’ve been networking so much since I left, I’ve heard all sorts of news about people we used to work with ... some good and some bad (I’m referring to the people here, not the news!).  I managed to sneak a bit of a cuddle with her new little man who is totally gorgeous, a little star.  I was actually quite jealous (in a nice way), but totally happy to hand him back!

Saturday, I met my mate Ronnie in Liverpool for a catch up ... I bought I fab new pair of jeans whilst I was there ... well it would be rude not to!  See what you think...

Yum Yum my new Karen Millen Jeans

Saturday night I went out for dinner with another friend of mine who has recently come back into my life (I had dinner with her last Friday too) and her lovely friends.  I know I keep saying it, but it really is weird how many people are coming back into my life and how many wonderful new people I’ve met this year.  I really do now believe that you have to remove what’s not working in your life (ie the nasty friends I had hanging around for far too long) to make way for something more positive.  My main New Year’s resolution (apart from making more money) this year was to bring more like minded, happy, focussed, positive people into my life ... and that’s happened in bucket loads!

We went to a lovely restaurant in Stockton Heath for dinner.  It’s a rather lovely (fully of money) little village in Cheshire (a far cry from the crappy town I live in, it has to be said).  However, I don’t really do the whole bar scene (which we did after the meal) anymore ... haven’t done it for years actually, and I have to say that I haven’t missed it.  I’d forgotten how much of a cattle market it is out there ... even more so because I was driving so was completely sober.

I’ve never been married and don’t have kids and although I’ve had long term relationships, I’ve never really had someone telling me I can’t do anything or had to stay in because of babysitters etc, so I’ve partied pretty hard for much of my life, I’ve never been deprived when it comes to going out and having fun, consequently it does nothing (or very little anyway) for me now.  One thing I do really hate is that when men say (and it is usually men) that they ‘work hard, play hard’ I really bloody hate that.  What they really mean is “We’re on a work’s night out and my wife has let me out of her sight which means I can get as drunk as possible ... I work hard, play hard I do”  Sheesh ... Most of these guys don’t know the meaning of those words.  Usually they have to beg for permission to go out so take full advantage of being let out yet all of a sudden, they ‘work hard play hard’!

OK ... I had a bit of a rant there didn’t I?   Ah well, it is a major pet hate of mine.  Sunday, I pretty much collapsed.  Although I hadn’t been drinking the night before, I really did feel exhausted.  Must have been all the running around and ‘partying’ I’ve been doing.

Right lovelies, that’s me for today ... I haven’t been to the movies for ages, so by way of research for you guys, I’m off to watch half naked men in thongs (including Matthew McConaughey, yum!).   I’ll do you a full report tomorrow.  Until then have a wonderful night and be fabulous.

Lots of love


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