Tuesday 10 July 2012

Tom & Katie's Divorce - New Kardashian Baby

Hello lovelies – sorry for the delay ... work has been getting in the way of my life again!  Hope you’ve all had a wonderful week and weekend.  Mine’s been a bit full on actually, very busy indeed.  But before I tell you about that, I must say a huge THANK YOU all my lovely readers ... I reached 5,000 hits yesterday.  That’s simply amazing and I’m really proud.  THANK YOU to you all for sticking with me.  I really appreciate it. I must be doing something right huh?
Yay ... 5000 hits ... THANK YOU!
Well, it would be really remise of me if I didn’t mention the whole Katie and Tom Cruise fiasco.  I’m kinda glad I left it until now, because there was new stuff coming out about it almost on an hour by hour basis during the last week.  So, in summary (in case you’ve been living in a cave – or you probably just don’t really care!):
·        Katie allegedly blindsided Tom when she issue divorce proceedings against him on  29 June
·        Allegedly Katie was worried that Suri (their daughter) would be indoctrinated into ‘Scientology’ the ‘religion’ (that’s a real loose use of the word – it’s not regarded as a religion in the UK) and the only way she could put a stop to it was to divorce Cruise
·        Katie moved with Suri to an apartment in New York – allegedly because the laws are different in the State of NY and she would be more likely to win full custody of Suri than she would if she lived and applied for the divorce in LA
·        Men in black SUV’s were allegedly seen monitoring Katie’s every move.  It’s been suggested that these people are Scientologists keeping an eye on her (there’s tonnes of info out there on Scientology if you Google it.  I’d love tell you more about what I’ve read, however, I don’t wish to bring the alleged ‘wrath’ of Scientology on my lil blog, so I’m definitely not touching it here ... but I really do think you should read up on it – it makes very interesting and rather disturbing reading)
·        Yesterday it was reported that Katie and Tom had come to an agreement regarding their settlement and Katie is thought to have gained sole custody of Suri with generous visitation rights for Tom.
·        Katie's lawyer Jonathan Wolfe said:
'This case has been settled and the agreement has been signed. We are thrilled for Katie and her family and are excited to watch as she embarks on the next chapter of her life.
'We thank Tom's counsel for their professionalism and diligence that helped bring about this speedy resolution.'
·        They also issued this joint statement:
'We are committed to working together as parents to accomplish what is in our daughter Suri’s best interests.
'We want to keep matters affecting our family private and express our respect for each other’s commitment to each of our respective beliefs and support each other’s roles as parents.'
·        A source told RadarOnline.com: 'Under terms of the settlement, Suri isn’t permitted to be exposed to anything Scientology-related, and this includes going to any Scientology churches, parties, etc.
'Katie made sure that this was ironclad in the agreement.'
Suri will also not be expected to attend a Scientology school, like Tom’s adopted children with ex-wife Nicole Kidman, Isabella, now 19, and Connor, 17, did.
So, there you have it!  Rather quick don’t you think?  I don’t think I’ve ever heard a divorce (especially a Hollywood one) being settled so quickly and amicably (I would really love to see what was going on behind closed doors ... read some stuff on Scientology and you’ll understand why I say that!).
In other non-related, useless Hollywood gossip, Kourtney Kardashian had a baby girl early on Sunday morning (LA time ... like I’m sure you care!).  Her and her long time partner/Fiancé, Scott Disick have named the baby ‘Penelope Scotland’.  Her sisters have tweeted that she’s ‘absolutely perfect’.  I like a bit of good news.
So what have I been up to? Never mind these Hollywood types!  Well on Friday night I met up with another long lost friend that I haven’t seen since I was in my early teens.  It’s amazing how many wonderful people have come back into my life this year.  Over the last couple of years I’ve done a bit of a ‘friend de-clutter’ and removed anyone from my life who was negative, unkind, self centered and general not very nice.  Since I’ve done that, I’ve reconnected with about 25 wonderful people who I’d lost contact with over the years and met some amazing new people who are all enriching my life in one way or another.  It’s been quite spectacular actually.  I really believe that if something isn’t working you have to remove it to make room for what you want and that’s exactly what I’ve done.  Friday night went by in a blur.  We met at 8 pm and it was 11 pm and we were being chucked out of the pub before we even realised it!  It was wonderful and we’re meeting again next Saturday night.  I’m really looking forward to it.
Saturday, I had my hair done in the morning and then headed off to see my wonderful friend, Michelle and her gorgeous two daughters.  We had a good old girlie afternoon/evening and chatted our way through 3 bottles of bubbles and when we finally looked at the time, it was 3.00 am!  Wow ... that’s a lot of talking and a lot of subjects covered.

That's not restaurant food ... Lovely Michelle cooked that!  Yum

Sunday, I’m sorry to say was a bit of a write off due to the over indulgence on bubbles the night before!  This week is a busy one work wise, but I’ve got a fully booked weekend, so will hopefully have more tales to tell you.
OK lovelies it’s that time again, I hope you have a wonderful week.  Be fabulous!
Lots of love

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