Monday 2 July 2012

Wham Reunite! (Well not really ...)

Oh my goodness, I had the funniest night on Friday.  I was invited by my wonderful friend Cath to go to a local ‘Stars in their Eyes’ event in aid of a local autistic charity.  Just to explain what was to happen, lots of local people dress up as their ‘pop’ heroes and sing their favourite songs (a bit like Karaoke with fancy dress).  All the money raised for the tickets and raffle etc all goes to the charity.  It’s just a bit of fun and not meant to be serious in any way.

Well all I can describe it as was hysterical!  I haven’t laughed so much in ages and because I was enjoying it so much I thought it would be criminal not to let you guys share in the fun too.  So, here’s a selection of the funniest videos.

Firstly, we have Wham!  (I don’t quite remember them looking like this in my day, and George Michael certainly seems to have put on a bit of weight and Andrew Ridgley is looking a little on the short side!) but it’s funny all the same ... Enjoy!

Next we had Jessie J. singing ‘Price Tag’ with a surprise appearance from a Rapper!  OMG ... it was so funny when he came out as it was totally unexpected!

Next (and the winner for the evening) was Tina Turner.  In the original ‘performance’ he came on to the stage wearing an Afro wig and trousers, dressed as Ike Turner and during the slow start to the song he sang as if he was Ike but when the music started to change, he whipped off his trousers to reveal a sparkly mini dress, he threw on a Tina Turner wig and in his metallic gold heels proceeded to do a full on Tina Turner dance whilst singing the song.   I have never laughed so much. 

In fact, I was enjoying it so much that I forgot to film it the first time round.  However, I did get some of it the second time round, when he sang it after winning (he was definitely the best act of the night ... by a long way and totally deserved to win).  See for yourself ... it’ll give you a giggle if nothing else...

Right lovelies, I’ve got other stuff to catch up with which I’ll do tomorrow.  I’ve got new film reviews plus we really have to discuss Katie and Tom Cruise’ split!  Until then, have a wonderful day and be fabulous.

Lots of love


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