Thursday 12 July 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey – Update

Well, my goodness me, you really can’t get away from the ‘Fifty Shades’ epidemic that’s going on at the moment can you?  Almost every chat, panel or discussion show has touched on the mummy porn phenomenon that is ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’.

I’ve managed to catch snippets of day time TV over the last couple of weeks and almost every show I’ve seen has mentioned, had a debate or a phone in about it.  It really has taken the world by storm.  Pretty much all the women I know have read it now or want to read it.  Those who haven’t yet read it either don’t have time, are worried about having the book around when they have children who may pick it up or they share their Kindle with their children!

Then there’s the film.  According to the Guardian (yes, the Guardian are even talking about it), the production time behind ‘The Social Network’ are to bring the best selling story to the big screen.  However the big debate is around who should play the erotic Mr Grey in the film.  Current contenders are:

·         Michael Fassbender (can’t say I know who he is ... I think he was in Prometheus)

·         Alex Pettyfor (he’s a bit yummy, but I can’t recall seeing him in anything)

·         Ian Somerhalder (again, don’t ask me!)

·         Robert Pattinson (nah ... too wooden ... not in a good way)

·         Ryan Gosling (hmmmm not sure)

·         Kellan Lutz (a bit too ‘all American sports pro’ for this role)

·         Chris Hemsworth (now you’re talking!)

·         Ryan Phillippe (he’s a big gorge too!)

Everyone of my friends has a different view of who should play the part.  Who do you think?  Leave a comment below if you want to share.  Yesterday, I saw that one paper had done a ‘mock’ up a bit like a photfit (you know, the type of thing the police use when they are trying to piece together a picture of someone).  Apparently they entered different attributes of 12 different men into the e-fit software and it threw out a rather disturbing looking picture (I’d copy it here, but it’s probably copywrited).   Here’s some of the facial features they used and from whom:

·         Patrick Dempsey’s eyes

·         Brad Pitt’s jaw

·         David Beckham’s face shape

·         Val Kilmer’s lips

Here’s the link to the article that I read if you want to see the picture for yourself: Daily Mail - Mr Grey E-fit

As for who’s going to play the female lead ... don’t know don’t care! lol

I know a few people who’ve made a big deal about how badly written the book is and how it’s absolute trash.  I’ve a few things to say about that ... it never professed to be Shakespeare and yes, it’s not particularly well written, the sex scenes get a bit predictable (so much so that I have to confess that by half way through the second book I was skipping through them ... like I said in my previous post about these books, there’s only so many times you can read, “her breath hitched” before it gets a bit tiresome) however, it has got millions of people who wouldn’t usually read, reading.  That has to be a good thing.

They’re now also saying that a ‘Fifty Shades Baby Boom’ is due as a result of people feeling frisky as a result of reading the books.  How mad is that?  Another, rather disturbing thing I heard today was how awful it is that millions of people are now walking around with the same fantasies!  I prefer not to think about that one.  You shouldn’t really need a book for that, should you?

Anyway, with all the hype going on, I thought I’d better mention it ... what kind of a blogger would I be if I didn’t!  If I hear any more on the ‘Who’s playing Mr Grey’ front, I’ll keep you informed.  Until next time, have a wonderful day y’all and be fabulous!

Lots of love


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