Tuesday 16 October 2012

The Worst Ever Date


Well lovelies, I can quite honestly say that I had just about the worst date ever last night.  This guy, let’s call him Phone Man, contacted me ages ago and we’d been mailing for far longer than I usually would (as you know, if a man hasn’t asked me out within 5 email exchanges I abandon it as a bad job).  However, just for a change, I quite fancied this one so ignored my own rule (I should have a new motto, “Ignore your own rules at your peril”!).  Most of the guys I get are usually pretty overweight, short and very middle aged looking.  This guy on the other hand looked quite cool with a very reasonable body.

So after many emails back and forth (and I mean many) trying to arrange the night, we met last night at a local country pub that I know well and feel safe at.  While I was getting ready, I got a text from him saying that he was looking forward to seeing me but that he was nervous.  I wrote back and said told him not to be nervous because I’m actually quite nice and then thought, “Should I have told him that I was nervous too?” (I wasn’t) so I did and said that we’ll both be fine ... “See you in a bit” [now bog off cos I need to get ready or I’ll be late!... I obviously didn’t say that bit].

This time we both got there on time, he wasn’t late so that’s a good start and he texted me as he was walking into the pub (I actually saw him do this as I was drawing up) and asked me what I wanted to drink.  “Good start” I thought, at least he’s there before me and doesn’t want to meet me in the car park.  I find that guys that want to meet you in the car park are usually quite insecure (like Jeep Man).

I replied saying, “Just pulled up, see you in a mo”.  He then texts me back (“Oh for goodness sake, can’t you wait a minute, I’ll be seeing you in 2 seconds!”) “Medium or dry” I couldn’t be bothered replying, why would you when you’re 20 paces away from each other?  I walked in to the pub, guessed which one was him and introduced myself.  I’ve got to be honest, he did seem a little on the short side, but I think I may have lost perspective on how tall people are considering the heels I wear ... everyone looks short!   He was also wearing a weird kind of mac/coat type thing. Anyhow, he looked a bit on the rough side and hadn’t bothered shaving, but he definitely wasn’t ugly ... he had a good body too from what I could see (bonus!).

We sat down and from that moment forward he never shut up and it all went horribly wrong.  Firstly, he insisted on showing me, actually showing me on his phone all the women that have contacted him on the dating site.  He went in to each of their profiles and asked me what I thought!  OMG, I obviously knew right from that point that this evening wasn’t going anywhere, so I just played along.  He also couldn’t remember what my name was ... now that makes you feel good about yourself.  He kept calling me by the date site user name I have.  Oh dear.

After he’d shown me each of the 15 women’s profiles, he then moved on to tell me about all his previous girlfriends and why they split up.  Then he told me in detail about every one of the 8 dates he’s had in the last few week (we’ve been there half an hour by this point and he hasn’t asked me one thing about me, nor have I said more than a couple of sentences).  Then he went on to talk about cars and how much he loves cars (I tried to tell him about my lovely car, but he ignored me and carried on talking ... he ignored me! Humph) and started showing me on his mobile the second hand cars that he was thinking of buying.  Like I care!

He then started talking about each one of his friends and showed me pictures of them (pictures of them?!!!!) and told me all about different holidays he’s been on (again me having to endure the photos ... it was like having a boring Aunt show you her holiday pics ... you just don’t care!).  When I tried to interject and tell him something about my holidays, he completely ignored me and continued to talk over me hmmmmmm.  When he started to talk about wanting to go to Vegas, as I’ve been to quite a few times I started to tell him and again, he completely ignored me and talked over me.

Something happened then.  I got this really weird feeling in side ... I now know it to be anger (I don’t get angry very often so didn’t immediately recognise what feeling it was!). I thought, “What am I doing sitting here nearly an hour with a complete idiot?  How can I get out of this?” He then moved on to tell me what he was doing at the weekend and maybe I could go and watch a live band with him and get some food.

I looked him straight in the eye and said, “Don’t think so *I actually sniggered* ... this really isn’t working out for me.  I’m going home now” I stood up, put my coat on (he looked stunned) and I walked out.  He hurriedly stood up, put his jacket on and ran out after me.  I thanked him for my drink and walked off to my car.  I’ve never seen anyone look so shocked! 

So that’s another disastrous date!  I have another tomorrow night (I know, I know, I’m a glutton for punishment) fingers crossed that this guy isn’t a weirdo misfit type that I seem to be attracting!  I’ll obviously keep you informed.

Until next time lovelies, have a wonderful day and be fabulous.

Lots of love


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